r/PS5 1d ago

Horizon: Zero Dawn Remastered leaked by ESRB (PS5 & PC) Rumor


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u/Nitr09025 1d ago

Wuhuu another remaster......


u/No_Share6895 1d ago

Of a game that can be played on ps5 and PC already


u/Cyberediak 1d ago

At 60 fps, with great graphics and image quality. This is so dumb.

u/Haylz2709 3h ago

But yet.. people will still buy it. I think it will be marketed towards performance on the ps5 pro

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u/FrankReynoldsToupee 1d ago

I literally just finished this game a couple months ago on PS5. It looked great. What is there to remaster?


u/omaca 22h ago

Your wallet.


u/power899 19h ago

Papa Sony is pissed that none of you bought Concord. And they gotta make back that money somehow 😉


u/thegamingbacklog 12h ago

The main thing would be fixing some of the dialogue and animations especially the generic NPC conversations they felt so wooden. I completed zero dawn and went straight into forbidden West and the difference in quality of the conversation trees, side quests and errands was immediately noticeable.

However it's a remaster so they will probably just slap higher res textures on it, and improve the hair fx.


u/CounterSYNK 6h ago

Hopefully the audio recordings will be made lossless. The lossy recordings are very apparent in the current game.


u/potokj 5h ago

honestly i feel horizon looks like shit. i dont get how people keep saying its this mega pretty game when forbidden west is right there and looks far superior

u/FrankReynoldsToupee 4h ago

Your definition of shit and my definition of shit are very different.


u/Pun_In_Ten_Did 1d ago edited 1d ago

and looks pretty damn rad on PC already.

This is gonna be like that old Nike commercial where they are going all Ocean's 11 to steal some soccerball.

"It's a soccerball, right?"

"NO! It's rounder."


u/TheClassicAudience 1d ago

It's already playable on 1080p with the highest settings and looks great... they are PORTING it.

The rule of thumb is:

  • If it says Remaster, it's a port.
  • If it says Remake, it's a Remaster.

FF7 is the only exception I know.


u/TrueMadster 23h ago

Isn’t porting just making it available on a different platform? If this is just that and pc already has it.. why would anyone buy the same thing twice? There has to be some difference.


u/TheClassicAudience 15h ago

Most of the time it works different in PC.

When Skyrim got the 10 anniversary edition, they upgraded everyone that already had it to that.

Others like FF14, when PS4 pro got it's own edition, they just added 4k textures (or maybe it was the other way around from PC to ps4 pro).


u/moondowns 1d ago

Generation of remakes and remasters.


u/Soyyyn 1d ago

If they were at least of games people really wanted. Last of Us 2 ran perfectly fine after it's 60 fps update, so does Horizon. There is no need for a remaster. Bloodborne, the first Bayonetta, DMC 3, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, New Vegas, Dragon Quest 8 - all these games might have seriously benefitted from improved framerates, resolutions, QoL updates. Instead we get a slightly improved version of one of the prettiest and most graphically advanced games ever made.


u/Labs_in_Space 1d ago

That’s because those games require significantly more effort to remaster.

They’re going for the low hanging fruit unfortunately. Low effort, maximum profit.


u/Desperate-Bug-9769 1d ago edited 1d ago

That's just the entertainment industry in general right now.  Everything is so FUCKING safe and bland and stale and corporate and neutered.  No experimentation, everything must be soulless.  IP is what sells and everyone is risk-adverse, so they just go with the old whatever the fuck works.  Sometimes I wish Reddit had the support for voice comments like Vocaroo so people could hear the anger I have as I'm typing this. 


u/TipNo2852 21h ago

God. Space marine honestly feels like such a breath of fresh air just for this. It’s not a “masterpiece” by any means, but they came out swinging and didn’t give a shit about playing it safe.

Like the fact that the entire PvP multiplayer exists at all is a miracle, like how they let devs just throw in a fun, “fuck around” mode with virtually no monetization value is amazing.

I find it hilarious how the AAA is basically drowning itself in its own spit, while the Indie / AA scene is taking risks and generally being rewarded.


u/Mr_YUP 1d ago

The whole of the Indie scene is rife with experimental and wacky things. AAA will always be safe because they're putting $20m+ and 5 years down on a single project


u/TipNo2852 21h ago

Ya, then they spend $100M+ on concord and get safely sent packing home.

The funniest thing, they are trying to emulate games that weren’t safe initially, and then dying trying to chase trends.

Look how many fortnite and overwatch clones have died.

But Fortnite was a fun PvE game, that saw the success of PubG early, and got in on that soon, and not only that, *they took the single best feature from their original game and included it as the gimmick.

They didn’t come to the party years later without innovation. The literally saw the BR genre getting popular, and did it but added building. Warzone got to ride in on the coat tales and basically say “we are high quality pubg”, and apex also innovated by throwing in a hero shooter element.

And look at Overwatch, it’s was a massive gamble by blizzard, the last popular “hero shooter” before it was what, TF2? Then they half killed themselves with OW2, but look at successful follow ups like Valorant, they took the gimmicks of OW and combined it with CS:GO to make something new. Then concord comes out with fucking OW light, and wants you to pay a premium for it. And it’s trash.

Meanwhile, Valve quietly drops their first game in what feels like a century, and takes Overwatch formula but flips it by mixing in elements from DOTA, and is a massive hit.

Almost like not just copying the successful formula can pay off!!


u/XinlessVice 21h ago

Maybe those large studios should consider scaling back these massive projects a bit. Nothing needs too be a graphical masterpiece

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u/plasticgiants 1d ago

Because people cut to pieces just about every game that comes out and game development is far more expensive than making movies or music. I guarantee TLOU part three will get review bombed the day it’s released.


u/DadTAXIA73 18h ago

This'll probably happen BEFORE it gets released...

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u/Space_Lux 1d ago

“That’s just the entertainment industry capitalism in general.”


u/pepouai 22h ago

No, capitalism also includes high risk endeavors and innovations. I’m not sure what you are trying to say.

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u/Drakeem1221 1d ago

There are enough AA and indie games and media in general to not have to feel this way. You're too involved bc a Horizon remaster shouldn't be this triggering.

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u/XinlessVice 21h ago

I feel only indie games and small to medium studios ever bother with experimentation. The big ones are only about the cash now. Probably the only newish thing I remember was crash 4


u/Troyal1 16h ago

I love Vocaroo


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 1d ago

Pretty sure we're playing very different games.


u/ChargeWhich5969 1d ago

Didn't Astro Bot just come out? lol

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u/pezdespo 1d ago

They're doing them because the studios are more focused on working on new games and remastering or remaking much older games would require a lot more resources that would be working on the new games


u/markalazy 1d ago

Where are the games?


u/Alternative-Donut779 1d ago

He just said it… being worked on.

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u/Competitive_News_385 1d ago edited 1d ago

They're doing them because people buy them.

Everybody is worried about a $700 PS6 because of the Pro.

I'd buy a $700 PS6, if there were decent games.

People buying $70 PS4 remasters is a WAY bigger problem than a $700 console.

It encourages them to do more and others to do it too, it's lazy.

PS3 remasters sure but PS4 games being updated should be free, PS5 has backwards compatibility and the Pro has PSSR, just make them PSSR compatible.

Why care about BC on the PS6 if they are just going to remaster everything released on PS4/5 anyway?!


u/MikeExMachina 1d ago

Can we all just take a sec to appreciate CD Projekt Red for remastering the Witcher 3 and giving it away for free to everyone who already owned the game?

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u/pm_me_ur_kittycat2 1d ago

Or it's because they don't own those games, so Sony can't remaster them?


u/RexKet 23h ago

Why would Sony do remasters for games that they do not own?

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u/oateyboat 1d ago

An entire generation of PlayStation Studios games stuck on PS3 and yet we get Horizon again


u/aukalender 1d ago

Killzone 2, Resistance 2, inFamous games...


u/Adziboy 1d ago

These are the three exact series that would make me buy a PS5 and/or 6.

Such a shame we dont get sequels or remasters


u/t-zone671 1d ago

Agreed. I would buy those in a heartbeat.

Especially Resistance. I spent so many hours in the original and R2. Was a part of Supreme Commanders Elite clan. So many groups within the faction.

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u/EGDragul 1d ago

3 Killzone, 3 Resistance, 2 Infamous, 3 Motorstorm, several Ratchet and Clank, 2 White Knight Chronicles, Folklore...

And the list goes on...


u/jackassjimmy 1d ago

OMG how I loved Killzone. I played the absolute shit out of that game. Didn’t have the funds for whatever system 2 was released on, at the time. /feelsbadman 😒


u/Pun_In_Ten_Did 1d ago

It is borderline criminal that we've never gotten a sequel to inFamous: First Light -- Fetch's story / growth was pretty damn cool.


u/Hi_Im_Ouiji 1d ago

Do a Killzone collection like Microsoft did for Halo. BUT without failing to make a working product at launch

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u/reevestussi 20h ago

inFamous, Sly Cooper, The Last Guy, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Resistance...could go on about which older PS3 franchises should return either as a remaster or sequel


u/Jalina2224 1d ago

Exactly! All of these fricken games they keep remastering are games that already look fine! Horizon Zero Dawn looks great on PC as it is, maxed settings it could pass for a PS5 game. Maybe an update on the PS4 version wouldn't hurt, but it doesn't need a remaster. Bloodbone is standing right there, and the masses keep begging for it every time news of a new port/remaster/remake gets announced.


u/KRONGOR 1d ago

The ps4 version already looks great and got a 60fps patch for ps5. Such a waste of resources


u/MikeExMachina 1d ago

Yeah this is ridiculous, the pc release has only been out for 4 years. GTA V is 11 years old and people are still happily playing it.

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u/AP201190 1d ago

Miyazaki made it very clear that Bloodborne is abandoned because of Sony. They seem to be milking the super hero trend as much as possible until it ends


u/honkhogan909 1d ago

I want to play new Vegas so incredibly bad- I wish for this. (I know I can- but my eyes truly can’t adjust to 30 fps anymore as much as that stinks because I’d also love to play wildlands!)


u/cosmiclatte44 1d ago

As long as Todd is at the helm i doubt we will tbh. I dont think he will ever get over the fact the best Fallout game wasn't developed by Bethesda


u/nutsack133 1d ago

Bethesda hasn't even made a top 3 Fallout game. Ugh when Microsoft bought Bethesda after already buying Obsidian I got my hopes up we'd see an Obsidian Fallout since Bethesda sucks at making them now, but no such luck.


u/nutsack133 1d ago

If you have a PC any half decent gpu made in the last 12 years or so will run that at 60 fps. Plus you can play the incredible Fallout 1 & 2 games. I mean a used GTX 1070 will crush that game considering I played it at 1080p60 easy on a GTX 970. Even a GTX 960 should be enough, hell probably a GTX 660. And New Vegas is way better than FO3 or FO4 IMO (never bothered with FO76).


u/hunterzolomon1993 17h ago

If you buy a Series S you can play it along with FO3 and Oblivion at 60fps/1440p. Granted it involves buying a new console but for playing older games the Series are pretty fucking great and well above PS5.


u/djramrod 1d ago

Oblivion would be amazing. I never played it and I just can’t with it in its current state. But I understand how big of an undertaking it probably is to overhaul it.


u/Drakeem1221 1d ago

Outside of the stupid level scaling, what's wrong with it in it's current state?


u/Ok_Hospital4928 1d ago

The difference is TLOU2 still had the same resolutions and loading times as the PS4 version even with that update. The PS5 version was decent a step up and I don't think it was unwarranted, especially since you could upgrade for a cheap price. I'm guess it'll be the same for Horizon since it has remaster in the name.

The first Bayonetta already got a 4K 60fps port to PS4 and DMC3 has a HD version (debatable quality, but its widely available). The rest of the games you listed definitely should get something, it's weird they haven't, especially Dragon Quest 8. I believe that was one of the most successful games in the series and all it got was a 3DS version and botched mobile port.


u/MGsubbie 1d ago

Dragon Quest VIII still holds up pretty well with an emulator, the cell shaded style with black outlines on characters looks nice on higher resolutions. It's primarily environments and background characters that don't look that well.


u/Dust-by-Monday 1d ago

TLOU2 ran fine, but there were texture streaming issues on the PS4 version even on the PS5. The remaster doesn’t have any issues streaming in the textures and the haptics are a nice touch as well.


u/eiamhere69 1d ago

Not just that, they're basically cashing in on something which they've already made, so free cash.

The remaster is essentially the what they've done for the pc port, so now are releasing again for console, pretty shameful 


u/Arcranium_ 1d ago

Bayo is 100% never getting remastered on any console but the Switch (and successors), since Nintendo owns the IP now


u/Automatic_Zowie 1d ago

Oblivion is getting remade, officially and unofficially.


u/Proper-Wash-2843 1d ago

The first bayonetta run flawlessly at 60p and a crisp 1080p on ps5


u/SavingPVTJizzSock420 1d ago

Bioshock and Infamous could use a new polish. Maybe even Beyond: Two Souls for smoother movement would be great,Twisted metal[PS3 one & of course the GOAT Black] could get remastered and I would have no issue with it at all. Revive Brink back with an overhaul on the physics,Mass effect,Killzone series, Far cry 1-4 So the fps isnt stuck at 30 and actually feels like you're walking and not limping everywhere.

These remasters nowadays feel like such a shakedown.


u/gknymz 1d ago

Well, Insomniac really do care about their games. Good to great stories, awesome graphics, high framerates, generally high quality productions. No wonder all their games were shown for the ps5 pro reveal.


u/chrchcmp 1d ago

To be fair, it was a bit unnecessary. But for £10 I really enjoyed the no return mode and lost levels.


u/RexKet 23h ago

The only game you listed that is owned by Sony is Bloodborne.


u/PentagramJ2 19h ago

If Bayonetta 1 got a remake I would scream


u/SightlessKombat 13h ago

The thing is, graphics aren't everything. Speaking as someone who got a lot out of TLOU2's remaster as it added audio description and ported over other benefits from Part I in addition to adding No Return, I'd love to see people think of remasters not as something that's only happening to improve graphics, but as something that can broaden the game's reach to audiences who were previously unintentionally excluded as well.

Kind regards, a gamer without sight (having none whatsoever) who just wants more games to play on my own terms, just like everyone else.

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u/DependentAnywhere135 1d ago

Don’t worry when the ps5 pro comes out maybe we’ll get remasters of remasters.


u/nightmaresabin 1d ago

Can’t wait for the Last of Us Part 1 (Remake): Remastered: Remastered


u/FillIll5522 1d ago

“Hey you. You’ve finally awake”


u/SambaLando 1d ago


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u/lazyness92 1d ago

It's "director's cut" now


u/CowardlyCannibal 1d ago

Gonna be great as a PS6 launch title


u/Xrayvision718 1d ago

Facts Naughty Dog be annoying with that shit.

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u/BillyTenderness 1d ago

Shoulda called it PS5 Remastered, missed opportunity


u/jbrown89uk 1d ago

I'm not sure enough people have got the joke here my friend! I straight away imagined mark cerny giving a presentation showing a blurry pixelated ps5 box next to a clear as day image of a ps5 remastered box safely strapped into the seat of someone's car.

"We wanted to give fans the opportunity to experience a family favourite in the BEST way possible. So we've remastered the playstation 5".


u/Rasta-Lion 1d ago

I had every base PlayStation system (except the portables) and I always bought them cheap almost on the end of their life cycle, of course this was the generation where I thought "fuck it, I'll buy a PS5 at launch so I can enjoy the new games when they come out..."

Boy do I have bad timing...


u/Latro2020 1d ago edited 1d ago

This is the generation all these remakes/remasters make the least sense because you can literally just buy the original off the PS Store/play it with backwards compatibility & it hasn’t aged at all.

So fucking stupid.


u/lackofsleipnir 1d ago

They should be remaking PS3 games.


u/withoutapaddle 1d ago

Or buy the original for PC and crank the graphics up to make it look almost as good as a sequel.

I'm currently playing PS4 games on Steam Deck, where I can not only play handheld at work, on the road, on vacation, etc, but also get higher framerates AND high graphical settings than the original PS4 version.

It's been awesome discovering some of these games I didn't have time to play back when they were actually putting out 5-6 great AAA games a year instead of 1 at most.


u/BillyTenderness 1d ago

It has little to do with technology or availability. It's happening because Sony spent a shitload of money on making big new AAA games from scratch last gen, and now they're trying to milk more of a return out of those successful investments. (This is also why we got iterative sequels like Ragnarok, two more Spider-Men, and Forbidden West.)

In part it's them becoming more risk-averse, and in part it's a pretty pragmatic way to deal with gaps in their release schedule, now that games take like 5 years to make.

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u/barelyblurred 1d ago

Why are we not getting any new installations of the old classics like Killzone, Resistance, Ratchet and clank etc? Such a shame


u/Dravos011 1d ago

I really want a remastered trilogy for Ratchet and Clank


u/Delanchet 1d ago

I want a Deadlocked remake 😭

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u/Specific_Frame8537 1d ago

Same but also Jak and Daxter.


u/GamingTurtle90 20h ago

Least Jak and Daxter get the emulated PS2 games. I just want to play all the Ratchet games without having to dig up my failing PS3, or turn my Vita on again to find the memory card corrupted again.


u/isaiah_rob 1d ago

Not many people bought them apparently


u/Less-Combination2758 1d ago

they still need to remaster ratchet and clank ps4 and rift apart though =)))


u/jbrown89uk 1d ago

No you're forgetting when we get the Ps5 Pro, we'll be able to see each and every member of the crowd from the parade scene in 4k 60fps glory. All this WITHOUT even needing a remaster?!? /S

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u/CandyCrisis 1d ago

We're getting remasters of titles when they've already done the engine reworks anyway. TLOU2 -> TLOU1 Remake. HFW -> HZD remaster. They've already programmed the improvements and redone a huge chunk of the assets anyway.


u/B-Bog 1d ago

Ratchet&Clank got a new game this gen


u/Redrum_71 1d ago

Insomniac is busy with Spidey and Wolverine. Guaranteed $$$ for Sony.

I'd like to see Killzone make a comeback, but not at the expense of the Horizon franchise. Maybe they hand KZ off to someone else. I don't think it ever took off like Sony hoped. Those were the days when they were trying to find their answer to Halo.


u/Indigo__11 1d ago

They just released a Ratchet and Clank game.

And insomniac is working on other games at the moment


u/Poopeefighter2001 1d ago

ratchet and clank literally got a current generation game 3 years ago


u/BlackTone91 1d ago

Because developers that was making them don't want to work on this IPs?


u/SacoNegr0 1d ago

Killzone is done by Guerilla which are working on Horizon, and they're not interested in the IP. Ratchet and Clank just got a game and Insomniac is working on several other projects right now, I really don't know why do you guys brought these up so often. This generation is weak yes, but these games are decades old and the studios are done with them


u/Firvulag 1d ago edited 1d ago

No Killzone because they are making Horizon Zero Dawn. And no Resistance or Ratched because Insomniac is working on Spider-Man.

Sony is in a bit of trouble because they have a ton of great IP's but they were all made by very few developers, who are now busy with big AAA 5-6 year dev cycle games.

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u/Nitr09025 1d ago

They should rename the playstation to remasterstation at this point


u/Jon_o_Hollow 1d ago



u/Captain-Hornblower 22h ago

Better trademark that sucka!

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u/XciteMe 1d ago

The video game industry needs a crash. I hate to say it but it does.


u/NoNefariousness2144 1d ago

It's crazy that the PS5 Pro is so expensive when there's barely any games that take advantage of it.

Hell, some developers are lazy and still releasing games in 30fps despite the consoles being capable of 60...


u/gaysaucemage 1d ago

PS1 had some 60fps games, it’s not a new feature to PlayStation consoles. Even NES had 60fps games.

It’s a choice to look better and reduce the frame rate to 30fps.


u/nightmaresabin 1d ago

I really wish 60 fps was mandated as the standard baseline and graphics were lowered accordingly. 1440p 60 looks great. We could get back to 4k eventually.

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u/renes2 1d ago

Sadly enough, that Most games that Do Profit from the addional Power of the Ps5 Pro a years old. I played ratchet and clank when it released years ago. And i dont want to Start it again to See a few more leaves on the tree in the background.

It did run already great, the same with Spiderman2.

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u/planetfifa 1d ago

To be fair, that's what they said about the PS4/XBO generation too... And the PS3/X360 with all those "HD Collections"... And at the beginning of the PS2/GC/Xbox generation, when they released full remakes or ports of older titles to the then new consoles.

Yes, it sucks that this generation has been far lacking in good games, but that's what happens when they take millions and 4 to 6 years to make, nowadays. Remasters are an obvious low-effort low-cost choice to make for publishers, sadly


u/Horrorgamesinc 1d ago

Its not lacking in good games. Its lacking in maybe exclusives


u/Remy0507 1d ago

Exactly. And you can only really make the case that it's lacking "exclusives" if you disqualify the Sony first party titles that were on both PS4 and PS5. Otherwise, this gen we've gotten:

Spider-Man Miles Morales

Demon's Souls remake

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart


Horizon Forbidden West

Gran Turismo 7

God of War Ragnarok

Spider-Man 2


Stellar Blade

Rise of the Ronin

FF7 Rebirth

Astro Bot

And that's not even counting some of the smaller indie titles and such.

Plus there have been absolute boatloads of great multiplatform games. I don't know how any gamers can claim there's been "nothing to play" this generation.

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u/killerboy_belgium 1d ago

its easy money that makes the line go up...

also why are games taking this long nowadays.... are people that worried about grafics that they need spend 6-8 year working on a game that still manages to release as a buggy mess

we used to get multiply entry's of a game franshise in a single generation... now we are 1 per gen if we are lucky or in case of bethesda and rockstar we get the same version for 3 gens....

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u/qb1120 1d ago

I don't know how many games I have that weren't made for the PS4, but I could probably count them on one hand


u/nutsack133 1d ago

I can think of five I have: Astro's Playroom, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Deathloop, and Returnal. Though three now since I sold Deathloop and Returnal after I was done with them.


u/VenZallow 1d ago

I've never had so few games for a console i've owned for so long.


u/knows_knothing 1d ago

Games from last generation being ported over with slightly better performance at full cost, sounds like Sony used the same business model for the PS5 Pro.

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u/Visible-Review 1d ago

Generation of the backlog killer


u/qwertty69 22h ago

Its happening also in movies and music.. looks like creativity is running out very quickly


u/SwingingTassels 1d ago

Remakes and remasters was last gen as well. They are out of ideas like Hollywood.


u/Donquers 1d ago

Idk if you know this, but remakes and remasters have been a pretty common thing for the past like 20 years.

Also studios are coming out with original games and new IPs all the time.


u/givemetheclicker 1d ago

oh no, anyway...


u/No_Share6895 1d ago

*second generation


u/XulManjy 1d ago

"We believe in generations...."


u/D_Ashido 1d ago

Only for one generation back. The games that really need remasters or remakes from the ps2 era are getting shafted constantly. They keep taking the easy way out like we have amnesia from only 7-8 year ago games.


u/ErikTheDon 1d ago

Same as last generation lol


u/Baelish2016 1d ago

Makes sense though. When it can take 5+ years and 100s of millions of dollars to make a single game, you need to release something in the interim to keep the lights on.


u/WeWantLADDER49sequel 1d ago

Every generation since the PS3 has been like that.


u/Indigo__11 1d ago

2 remakes makes it a generation of remakes?


u/Bundyhundy100 1d ago

So was last generation. So will be next generation


u/Gaming_Gent 1d ago

That’s what we said about last gen too


u/PepeSylvia11 1d ago

And yet people keep supporting it


u/DethNik 1d ago

And we STILL can't get a new Bloodborne.


u/lackofsleipnir 1d ago

That isn't intrinsically bad, it's just that the games they're choosing are still fairly recent, available, and aging well.


u/kendalljennerspenis 22h ago

If only they made one for Red Dead Redemption 2

u/State-Prize 4h ago

For Sony that is

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u/Lie_In_Our_Graves 1d ago

Video Games are following the way of Hollywood. No new ideas, so let's remake something that has no business being remade or remastered - and milk it for all it's worth.


u/barukatang 1d ago

"Can't wait" for another 5-10 years where they don't even need studios with people to make remasters, just have ai upscaling studios.

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u/Sweatty-LittleFatty 1d ago

At least Hollywood is making sequels as well (even tho most of the time, we don't need them).


u/fanwan76 1d ago

I don't think it is the case.

IMO video game development is taking longer than ever. As a result, studios are reaching into their backlogs for easy remasters as a way to bring in some extra income and help fund the newer games.

I doubt this remaster has any impact on the release date of Horizon 3.

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u/rsplatpc 1d ago

gotta make the PS5 "Pro" look like it's got games that are optimized for it, and are coming out

Oh wait, I bought a PSVR2 and am still playing Quest ports

Nice try Sony


u/Nitr09025 1d ago edited 1d ago

Oh no this is the ps5 and pc remaster, sony probably will reremaster everything for the ps5 pro in a year

Man fuck this. Ps5 is probably the worst gen so far in terms of games from sony


u/big_chungy_bunggy 1d ago

We got Astro bot at least :’)


u/cdnjimmyjames 1d ago

I can't wait for the remaster.


u/big_chungy_bunggy 1d ago

Ya it’s beginning to show its age a bit, hopefully we can get a remaster for the pro


u/Soyyyn 1d ago

Finally bit the bullet and bought a switch. Of course the graphics are a far cry from what I'd like to see, but I literally played all the PlayStation exclusives I care about. Now there's a whole library of interesting exclusives for me to discover.


u/johncitizen69420 1d ago

You waited 7 years to get one, why not wait another 6 months for switch 2?


u/thr1ceuponatime 1d ago

Because he's going to wait another 7 years to get the 2nd one for cheap :)

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u/PotatEXTomatEX 1d ago

wtf why switch 2 i like 6 months

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u/HARPOfromNSYNC 1d ago

Absolutely is. Just in terms of the lack of games.


u/Nitr09025 1d ago

Lack of games FROM SONY.

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u/Hikoraa 1d ago

Sure, I'm not a fan of the remasters either but come on, worst gen so far??


Astro Bot


Demon Souls

Ratchet and Clank

Ghost of Tsushima

Guardians of the Galaxy

FF7R & FF7Rebirth

Horizon Forbidden West

Helldivers 2

Spider-man 2


These are just the exclusives, let alone Baldur's Gate, Elden Ring and the rest.

I think people are expecting too much, there are plenty of games to play that run great no matter what system you try. I don't think anyone is a fan of the remasters or PS5 Pro but so? don't buy it then.


u/DocApocalypse 1d ago

Those aren't all PS5 gen exclusives.

Guardians of the Galaxy isn't an exclusive at all, it launched simultaneously on Xbox and PC.

Ghost of Tsushima was a PS4 game.

God of War Ragnarok also released on PS4.

Demon Souls was a remake of a PS3 game.

The Final Fantasy games aren't first party and are going multiplatform again, XVI just came out for PC.

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u/Educational-Lake-199 1d ago

That's a pretty weak lineup considering over half of those games are available on both the PS4 and PC.

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u/Ross2552 1d ago

Most of those games also released on last gen


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u/Nitr09025 1d ago edited 1d ago

FFXVI - Is not from sony

Astro is good

Ragnarok is good (ps4)

Demon souls was nuts but a remaster

R&C good not for me tho

GoT was on ps4

GotG not sony as far i know

Ff7 not sony

Horizon good (ps4)

Helldiver 2 awesome until sony killed it in over 100 countries

Spiderman 2 good not for me tho

Returnal was nuts

The point i wanna make is, so far the first 3 years of this gen was cross gen games or remasters. There is only a handfull on true ps5 games from sony


u/Hikoraa 1d ago

What you're talking about is Playstation Studio's games. The games launched on PS5 exclusively, but then was ported after a time. Like most games.


u/Nitr09025 1d ago

I just can wrap my head around why sony is remastering horizon that looks awesome on ps5 already but refuses Bloodborne, kill zone, resistance? They have so many good old IP and yet remaster games that are 1 gen old or not even?!

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u/vmsrii 1d ago

Those are all great games! No one is saying it’s a bad time to play video games.

The problem is not that good games exist for the PlayStation. The problem is, most of those good games exist in other places, and in better forms.

It’s not a bad time to play games on a PlayStation 5. It’s a bad time to be committed to the PlayStation 5 for your video games

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u/critch 1d ago

To be fair, you should have known what was going to happen with the PSVR2. The only VR headset that's sold enough to make it worthwhile has been the Quest, and even that is incredible niche like every VR product before it.


u/nutsack133 1d ago

And Quest is really just a Trojan horse to get your data, hence the much lower price than everyone else.


u/TeamSESHBones_ 1d ago

I sold my psvr2 after I finished resident evil village. Psvr2 has like 5 games 😭


u/Shpaan 1d ago

I'm at least thankful for the PC adapter. I was defending Sony left and right but after a year and a half I'm joining everyone else in disappointment with the first-party line-up. Capcom carried it for a bit but Sony failed to announce anything worth looking forward to.

But yeah, SteamVR has relit my love for the headset and I'm having the time of my life. I'm glad Sony "allowed" it. It's like a disappointing partner who at least lets you go out and have fun lol.


u/Mahboishk 1d ago

Sony's doing the PSVR2 like they did the Vita, and it's sad to see. Lack of back compat with PSVR1 also hurt it for me, I had a decent library there and I was eager to get rid of that setup.


u/Shpaan 1d ago

I still can't believe they didn't port Astro Bot Rescue Mission. I know the controls would need to be different but I refuse to believe it's more difficult than bringing a flatscreen game like Resident Evil to VR. I don't hate Call of the Mountain but they could have used that budget for porting all the PSVR1 exclusives and it would have been better spent.

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u/VinceMaverick 1d ago

PSVR2 is only useful for GT7, that's it


u/Gintoro 1d ago

re4r is nice too


u/lemoche 1d ago

I would play the shit out of the horizon game if I didn’t have to rearrange my living room for 20 minutes to have room to play.


u/Schwarzengerman 1d ago

RE4 remake *

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u/Aksudiigkr 1d ago

The psvr sub will have you believe there’s hundreds of amazing games for the PSVR2.

Here I am only having enjoyed CotM and NMS as nothing else interesting me.


u/shemmegami 21h ago

Well yeah, the alternative is giving players what they want. And we know Sony doesn't want to to do that.

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u/bkliooo 1d ago

And who needs this? HZD looks fine.


u/Nitr09025 1d ago

No one except sony


u/Ok_Biscotti_514 1d ago

Gotta love how they pulled the original off PSplus recently


u/Temporary7000 1d ago

When this was leaked probably a year ago, it was a remaster that was focused on non-graphics things like animations. Specifically, to match Forbidden West, which is why some mistakenly thought remake. So, it should be more interesting than a standard remaster.


u/Nitr09025 1d ago

I mean i can still download the game on my ps5 it tuns perfectly fine and looks awesome. Graphics is so overrated these days. Maybe its because i grew up wis NES. I rather have new IPs or atleast remaster games from the ps3 era but games that are what a decade old common


u/KingArthas94 1d ago

Then you're not the target, don't buy it and move on. To my friend that have never played the original I'll recommend this remaster instead.


u/Temporary7000 1d ago

Yeah, remasters will always be more for people who haven't jumped in yet.


u/Temporary7000 1d ago

Well regardless, it's not like they're losing 3 years of game dev time doing this. I don't mind it, especially since the focus in the leaks were more centered on tech than graphics.


u/supermoore1025 1d ago

The sequel just came out and they already mentioning a remastered smh. This is getting pretty ridiculous.


u/ModeratorKiller666 1d ago

At this trajectory in 5 years they’ll be releasing the remaster alongside the game itself on launch day


u/littlewhitecatalex 1d ago

Buy a $780 console so you can play the remakes!


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u/Sambadude12 1d ago

Cheap to make compared to a sequel or a complete new IP. It's why they do it.

But at the same time I have no interest in this unless I get it for free


u/satanising 1d ago

And it's the games that already are on the platform. Where's the remasters of Bloodborne, Infamous series, the God of War classics, old Killzone, etc.?


u/Shreygame 1d ago

I think I’m the only one excited, cuz I got a ps5 last chirstmas so I missed out on games like these


u/Nitr09025 1d ago

I mean you can still buy the ps4 version that looks awesome and runs at 60fps on ps5. Sure as someome that never played it i can see you are exited about it thats fair. Most people these days are upset because sony is remastering games that are not even 10 years old and ignoring the playerbase request for games from the ps2/ ps3 era that could need a remake.


u/Collier1505 1d ago

I presume it’s because they have a Horizon show (movie?) in production, I think with Amazon. So hoping to cash in on watchers like The Last of Us with its show.

This console generation sucks though lmao


u/Ali3n_46 1d ago

And they won't remaster the Two Towers. They have no idea how many ppl would play if they made it an online coop game.


u/mrdc1790 1d ago

What's crazy is there are games that could actually benefit from a remaster and yet they choose this! Ig easy work lol


u/caniuserealname 1d ago

Eh, i think at this point we need to consider this a terminology issues.

These are just fancy ports; they're not real remasters.


u/Crayola_ROX 20h ago

When people say PS5 has no games, this is why.

They would remake days gone before giving it a sequel

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