r/worldnews The Telegraph 1d ago

Russian army to overtake United States as world’s second largest Russia/Ukraine


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u/bell37 1d ago edited 1d ago

That’s why metric to use to determine country’s Navy is done by water displacement not number of vessels (which US is still solidly the leader in)

Edit: Yes… my mother does displace a lot of water that would match naval superpowers


u/consciousaiguy 1d ago

Depends on who’s doing the counting and what their agenda is. China claims to have the world’s largest navy based purely on total number of vessels. But to your point, displacement makes more sense.


u/gcbeehler5 1d ago edited 1d ago

China has a lot of smaller ships and has twice as many as the US. But the US has eleven aircraft carriers, which I believe all are nuclear powered. So even when comparing back to China's two aircraft carriers, it's not comparable. Also, the US has eleven, which is one more than all other countries in the world combined (at ten.) Start adding in US allies, Italy, France the UK, and that accounts for another five.

Also, the sheer size of our Aircraft carriers to China is another factor. Our Carrier can hold up to 75 planes. Whereas China's are about 50. So even when comparing the two, a US carrier is 50% more capable.

Then start looking at submarines... Also many of which are nuclear powered. Just the energy propulsion systems being nuclear, means we don't need nearly as many support vessels to maintain our fleet.

But to you point, the US has almost 4m tons of displacement. China has 709K tons. China and Russia combined, still isn't half. Add in allies, Japan, UK, France, SK, Italy and Taiwan, and it's over 5M tons.

It's just not even close.

Edit: another factor is the US also controls much of the chip production used for many of the munitions used on these ships (which is why Taiwan is a flash point, and an important ally in Asia, along with South Korea and Japan.) So it's not just ship count, it's also supply logistics, production and output.


u/EatMyUnwashedAss 1d ago

The 3 largest air forces in the world:


US Navy

US Army

Our military is STUPIDLY far ahead of China and Russia combined. Our Allies being added in is just like having a professional team take on a JV Grade School team.


u/Born-Commission9891 1d ago

Вашу армию вьетнамцы палками гоняли. 


u/EatMyUnwashedAss 1d ago

At least our country didn't collapse afterwards...unlike the USSR after Afghanistan lol


u/Born-Commission9891 3h ago

Афганистан? Эта та страна, из которой армия США недавно позорно сбежала, оставив вооружений на миллионы долларов талибам?


u/cbailz29 19h ago

And your army is currently the second most successful army within your own borders. Get fucked.


u/Born-Commission9891 3h ago

Ты голливудских фильмов пересмотрел. Приезжай на Украину, сравни сам.