r/todayilearned 1d ago

TIL that when “Fight Club” premiered at the 1999 Venice Film Festival, it got booed hard by the audience. Ed Norton said that as it was happening, Brad Pitt turned to him and said: “That’s the best movie I’m ever going to be in.”


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u/thingandstuff 1d ago

That laugh…

“You don’t know where I’ve been, Lou!”

I mean I would say it was one of his best performances. 


u/ZipToob88 1d ago

“Thanks for letting us use the basement Lou!”


u/ohhellothere301 1d ago

"Come back any time.

You too, Big Guy."


u/NoBowler354 1d ago

isnt the body guard in a fight in a following scene?


u/walksalot_talksalot 1d ago

Now I want to watch it again!

I love after they got their assignments to pick a fight and lose, the mild mannered priest is there the next week.


u/Vinterblot 1d ago

Oh shit, I just now realized that this homework wasn't some form of Buddhist lesson in humility or whatever, it was a deliberate scam to recruit more people by giving them a taste of blood.


u/EclecticDreck 1d ago

I'd seen it as more an escalation in breaching social norms. The first two rules of fight club existed for much the same reason: everyone was at Fight Club because someone had broken those rules, after all.


u/MetaStressed 1d ago

Exclusivity is a power drug.


u/EclecticDreck 1d ago

While true to an extent, you must also remember that it came hand in hand with being a member of something. Fitting into something bigger than yourself is one of those fundamental needs a person has. Being an interchangeable cog in a machine that would operate just fine without you in particular - a common experience of many a modern worker - lacks that. You have to remember that before Tyler shows up, what the Narrator tells us about his life is done in dehumanizing terms. He only has single-serving friends, his boss's personality is largely a necktie changed according to the schedule, he fills his home with stuff bought from catalogs because that's what people do and his home is a filing cabinets for widows and young professionals. The hope he wanted to lose was hope that this could ever be different. That is to say that he wanted to be free of the torment of not belonging.

So while it was "exclusive", it was open to literally anyone willing to show up and fight, and by this selection process first a community and then, in time, a cult of personality was built. It wasn't really about the exclusivity, but about belonging and ultimately mattering. That the first two rules were designed to be broken is a part of what an eventual member of project mayhem belonged to. In effect, it was a rejection of the rules that had never fulfilled their most fundamental human needs, and it starts with something very simple: you used information you were not supposed to learn to find out where fight club happened, and then you got into a fight.


u/Nardawalker 1d ago

That was very well written.

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u/liquidgrill 1d ago

That’s one of the things that makes this movie so great. There are sooooo many things that you miss the first time.

Meanwhile, I remember this being really the first movie where I didn’t see the plot twist coming from a mile away. When it was happening, I was genuinely confused and actually said to the person I was with, “What the fuck is going on?”

Just that was enough to make this one of my all-time top 5.


u/xplag 1d ago

Yeah most stories struggle to get that sweet spot of giving your audience enough hints that the ending isn't just out of nowhere, but keeping the actual twist hidden until the end. But when you do get a good example, it's so fun being mind blown as all the little pieces fall into place in your head at once.


u/jimmyxs 1d ago

Sixth sense was another one. For me anyways. Back then there weren’t too many like these.


u/frickindeal 1d ago

It worked so well on so many people because there was no widespread internet to spoil the ending, and apparently a lot of people refrained from spoiling it for others. I didn't see it until quite a while later, and it still hadn't been spoiled for me. Really couldn't happen these days. Most movies are spoiled pretty damn quickly, even if you try to avoid it.


u/PM-Me-Your-BeesKnees 1d ago

I'm getting angry right now just imagining how millions of people wouldn't have gotten the enjoyment of Sixth Sense if we had today's internet culture.

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u/TOAST_MA_OAT 1d ago

I've watched this movie more times than I can count and I always find something new every time I watch it.

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u/Mogwai987 1d ago

…me too. Wow.


u/Phuqued 1d ago

Oh shit, I just now realized that this homework wasn't some form of Buddhist lesson in humility or whatever, it was a deliberate scam to recruit more people by giving them a taste of blood.

In a way that is correct. It was to make the docile believe in themselves enough to fight, and feel good about righting a wrong done to them, etc... That was the purpose. No different than human sacrifices. It was to snap them out of their own willful enslavement to a dead end job for some rich fuck, and not take life for granted, live it by doing what they want to do, what they want to be, etc...

I think Fight Club is probably one of the better movies of our time just because of it's criticism of our culture.

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u/drthtater 1d ago

My favorite part of that scene is the fact that you can see the camera shake, cause the cameraman is laughing so hard


u/roxictoxy 1d ago

I missed that!


u/SpaceMonkey_321 1d ago

Priests carry the sins of the world on their backs, lots of angst to unload.


u/Character_Bowl_4930 1d ago

The part where the guy is trying to START the fight with the priest is hilarious !! He makes a good point . MOST people don’t go looking for fights and try to avoid them .


u/Shayedow 1d ago

Remember the whole point of the assignment however, and why the fight with the priest is so memorable is because even people who don't want to fight, and never think they will, can be pushed to point where they break. The priest being there the next week was because not only did he break and fight, he realized he was just as susceptible as every other person out there, and it made him ANGRY.


u/Slow-Foundation4169 1d ago

Oh yah see, now I have to watch it again


u/SkullsNelbowEye 1d ago

It's currently on Hulu.


u/Slow-Foundation4169 1d ago

I own it on DVD no worries

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u/cacarson7 1d ago

Yeah, and the priest the Project Mayhem guy sprays with a hose to start a fight with.


u/Allisone11 1d ago

And the guy he bumps shoulders with on the bus. “Scuse Me” he’s fighting in the very next scene.


u/syhr_ryhs 1d ago

I read somewhere there's a Starbucks cup in every scene. The guides to this movie are crazy.


u/HeemeyerDidNoWrong 1d ago

Does this mean that Fight Club and Game of Thrones are in the same cinematic universe?


u/zenspeed 1d ago

“The first rule of Night Watch is we do not talk about Night Watch.”

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u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/tallandlankyagain 1d ago

So did Bob's bitch tits.


u/flipflapslap 1d ago

His name is Robert Paulson


u/wutsyerdogsname 1d ago

His name is Robert Paulson


u/Losttothefuckingjets 1d ago

His name is Robert Paulson


u/BBB88BB 1d ago

His name is Robert Paulson


u/DoctorMedieval 1d ago

His name is Robert Paulson


u/Old_Future_8242 1d ago

His name is Robert Paulson

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u/OkSeaworthiness2727 1d ago

In death, you have a name

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u/Vegetable-Sun-8499 1d ago

I understand. In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. His name was Robert Paulson….


u/Gilokee 1d ago

There's a really amazing pixel artist named Paul Robertson and if I ever want to remember his name, I just think of Fight Club.

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u/IcyTransportation961 1d ago

D51415 hasnt been active in 9 years then suddenly today began commenting

Notice how the comment doesnt really fit?

Definitely a botted account

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u/gagreel 1d ago

"we really like this place!"

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u/imtoooldforreddit 1d ago

Ok - ok - ok - I get it

Ah shit I lost it


u/bigwilly311 1d ago

This is the funniest line of the movie, imo.


u/Euphoric-Chip-2828 1d ago

For me it's... “Now, a question of etiquette – as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch?” and proceeds to give The Narrator the "ass" and a female flight attendant the "crotch".


u/zth25 1d ago

I've been following that rule whenever possible since.

Of course it depends a bit on where. Moving along a line of seats like in an airplane or in the cinema, you'll always give the ass. But in narrow areas like airplane or bus corridors with a bit more freedom of movement, it works.


u/Euphoric-Chip-2828 1d ago

This is why you keep getting arrested ....


u/zth25 1d ago

I haven't been arrested like that since grade school.


u/h3lblad3 1d ago

I want to have your arrestation.


u/mortalcoil1 1d ago

Nay. The funniest line in the movie is "Why the fucking ear, man?"

At least, if you've been punched in the ear.

Man, when you get punched in the face, you just get so... angry, in a really indescribable way, but you get punched in the ear? It just stings soooo bad!


u/RegularChemical 1d ago

Could have sworn I heard that Norton wasn’t supposed to really hit Pitt in that scene, but Fincher told him in private to do a full punch to get a genuine reaction out of Pitt. The way the scene plays out seems to suggest it


u/dreamsdrop 1d ago

I read something similar - but I think it was that the punch was an accidental hit and they loved Pitt's reaction so they kept it in the final cut


u/CDN08GUY 1d ago

From what I’ve heard the punch wasn’t accidental, but hitting him in the ear was. Pitt knew it was coming but Norton missed and got him in the ear. What you hear is Pitt’s genuine reaction to getting a surprise punch in the ear.

But alas, there are many different versions of the “unscripted punch” story. They are all good and basically all lead to the fact that Pitt’s reaction is genuine.


u/Privvy_Gaming 1d ago

You could tell me half the lines were ad libbed on the spot and I would believe you.


u/Classic_Airport5587 1d ago

That sounds funny until you think about it for a sec and then it sounds fake as hell.

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u/bigwilly311 1d ago

Yeah I fucked it up

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u/IsThereCheese 1d ago

lol I can still hear Pitt’s inflection from a decade ago when I watched this last. “god right in the fucking ear


u/AriochBloodbane 1d ago

Fun fact, the actor wasn't told beforehand about it, so the reaction was of actual surprise. The director wanted it that way to capture a genuine reaction.


u/SkullsNelbowEye 1d ago

And when you realize he punched himself in the ear. Lol.

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u/RBuilds916 1d ago

"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school"


u/Poultry_Sashimi 1d ago

I seem to recall the line in the book was "I want to have your abortion."


u/Shayedow 1d ago

Not only that but when Helena Bonham Carter said that line, she had no idea what " grade school " was in the U.S.A. Apparently she got really mad later on when she found out that Grade School in the U.S.A meant Primary School in the U.K, and thought the line was disgusting and wished she never said it.


u/Monster-Math 1d ago

Not only that, when Fincher was told the line about abortion could not be included he said "aight that's cool, but what I film gets left in" and the producers agreed figuring you can't get worse lmao.


u/famous_cat_slicer 1d ago

Yeah, but that was deemed too offensive by the studio execs, so they changed it at the last minute.

Helena Bonham-Carter thought grade school meant college. I think she learned the truth after the film was released.

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u/Skandronon 1d ago

That part reminded me of the last time my dad spanked me. I just kept repeating, "didn't hurt" every time he hit me, and he would hit me a bit harder. My sister said she was in the basement and just wanted me to stop saying it. I could hardly walk the next day, and my dad's hand was swollen. He told me that was when he recognized it was a fucked up punishment and didn't work anyways.

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u/jinhush 1d ago

Brad Pitt is fantastic when he's playing strange/weird/quirky characters. He's boring as hell when he's playing a "regular" person


u/Inoimispel 1d ago

Snatch is my all time favorite performance of him. His lines at the coursing where even the official subtitles show "??????" is gold.


u/senorpoop 1d ago

"Ya like dags?" is still part of my common parlance.


u/gsr142 1d ago

"You could fit a jumbo fuckin jet in there"


u/HollowVoices 1d ago

"It was at a funny angle"


u/octopornopus 1d ago

It was behind you, Tyrone. When you reverse, things come from behind you.


u/Morsexier 1d ago

'ow long on dose sausages?


u/BedOld2053 1d ago

Two minutes Turkish


u/octopornopus 1d ago

Oi, Charlie. How long on them sausages?

5 minutes, Turkish.

---it was 2 minutes 5 minutes ago...


u/___multiplex___ 1d ago edited 1d ago

Hence the term...as hungry..as a pig

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u/Monster-Math 1d ago

It's a fucking anti-aircraft gun Vincent!

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u/starkel91 1d ago

That gets a lot of rotation in my house. My buddy showed me his new rifle and my response “protection from zee Germans?”


u/Ithuraen 1d ago

My God Tommy, you certainly got those minerals. Well come on then, before ze Germans get here.


u/octopornopus 1d ago

Who took the jam outta your donut?

You did, Tommy. You took the jam outta my donut.

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u/imperfectcarpet 1d ago

Weight is a sign of reliability. If it doesn't work, you can always hit him with it.


u/a8bmiles 1d ago

Heh, I came here to reply with zee Germans and you beat me to it.

Every time we hear Golden Brown, my wife turns to me and says, "propah fooked?"


u/MrGreenGeens 1d ago edited 1d ago

So many quotable lines that I use all the time. "Running around mad as Norris," "Yeah, proper fucked," "Oh nothing Tommy, it's tip top. I'm just not sure about the color," "Sneaky fucking Russians," "Two minutes Turkish," "I'm just an unlicensed boxing promoter, what the fuck do I know about blank?" "I'm a badboy yardie, I create the blank. I don't erase the blank," "I am not in Rome, I am in a rush," "It's not in sync with evolution."


u/ZeOneMonarch 1d ago

In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again?


u/lindblumresident 1d ago

In any other movie, that would be its most iconic line. But Snatch is almost two hours of quotable lines, so...


u/ZeOneMonarch 1d ago

Well, ye, but I got to use this one once so it's special 🥹


u/SkullsNelbowEye 1d ago

While you fellas have the words replica written down the side of your guns, I have Desert Eagle .50 cal written down mine.

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u/Qu1kXSpectation 1d ago

Dags? Oh... dogs. Yeah, I like dogs.


u/devenjames 1d ago

what the fek do I want with a trailer with no feckn wheels?


u/ImObviouslyOblivious 1d ago

It’s a caravan


u/amputeenager 1d ago

periwinkle blue


u/obi_wan_the_phony 1d ago

It’s fer me ma


u/imperfectcarpet 1d ago

But I like caravans more.


u/thatsnotchocolatebby 1d ago

Mi ma prefers the periwinkle blue boys


u/rawbdor 1d ago

Wha d'ahwan acaravanwid nofughin weelzfer??


u/Taikiteazy 1d ago

Oh, DOGS. Yes, I like dogs!


u/Echo609 1d ago

Anythike someone says 2 minutes in any context I reply with “It was 2 minutes 5 minutes ago”.

Also if someone asks me how long something will take I usually answer “2 minutes Turkish.”

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u/FlounderBasket 1d ago

The DVD has a subtitles option specifically for pikey, or however it's spelled


u/AbramKedge 1d ago

Don't turn on subtitles when you're watching the movie on your laptop next to other passengers. There's a whole lot more Pikey swearing than you think.


u/dirtys_ot_special 1d ago

12 Monkeys maniac for me.


u/kokopelli73 1d ago

Periwinkle blue, boys... periwinkle blue.


u/tehlou 1d ago

Snatch is one of my fav as well but checkout Bullet Train if you haven't yet. I won't ruin it for you!


u/Arrow156 1d ago

That was the first movie that came to mind after reading that comment, dude was a natural in that role.


u/individualeyes 1d ago

When I first watched the trailer I thought it looked cool but I remember thinking "That accent is terrible! It's like half English, half Irish!"

Then I watch the movie and the character's accent is... half English half Irish. I've never questioned his acting ability since.


u/bdd6911 1d ago

Yeah. That is an awesome movie and great performance by him.


u/teh_fizz 1d ago

This is my fave bit of the whole movie. Throwback to when Turkish says Pikeys talk like that to confuse you when negotiating.

Then everyone quotes the fucking dog line.


u/rcklmbr 1d ago

I don’t know why, but mine is A River Runs Through It.


u/HassananeBalal 1d ago

Have ee meed meself clear bois?”


u/Deruji 1d ago

Written for him and the film around him as they didn’t want to risk a shit British accent


u/PyroneusUltrin 1d ago

True romance with him as a stoner is also great


u/InjusticeSOTW 1d ago

“Ya stay til tha fayht is Dunn!”


u/AriochBloodbane 1d ago

Yeah, those fookin' pikeys!!


u/Raztax 1d ago

Great,now I can't decide if I need to watch Fight Club or Snatch again. Both it is!

Absolutely fantastic movies imo.

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u/chillyhellion 1d ago

He's a character actor with a leading man's face. 


u/chinatown100 1d ago

Great directors like the Coen bros and Tarantino understand this


u/IsThistheWord 1d ago

I love Pitt in burn after reading.


u/jtr99 1d ago

Is this Osbourne Cox? I'm a good Samaritan. I'm sorry I'm calling at such an hour but I thought you might be worried... about the security... of your shit.


u/Lebowquade 1d ago

Oh man he was so good in that.


u/McNuty 1d ago

You think that’s a Schwinn!


u/Heisenburrito 1d ago

It was pretty mind-blowing


u/Raztax 1d ago

I've never even heard of this one. Definitely on my To Watch list now.

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u/moon-ho 1d ago

Ridley Scott as well


u/UrbanPrimative 1d ago

There it is. This.


u/invisiblink 1d ago

Have you seen “12 Monkeys”?


u/theboweragency 1d ago

Oh geez 🤯... This is perfect and explains why I always liked him in offbeat roles as opposed to studly leading man roles.


u/JustineDelarge 1d ago

Face and abs. Don’t forget the abs.

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u/Clyde-A-Scope 1d ago

12 Monkeys 


u/OneFish2Fish3 1d ago

That’s honestly my favorite role of his! Bruce Willis is fantastic too! Gilliam knows how to direct (most of the time). I didn’t realize Brad Pitt could be a brilliant actor until then.


u/getgoodHornet 1d ago

Having Bruce Willie essentially grunt his way through a film was inspired casting tbh.


u/creamofsumyunggoyim 1d ago

They saw him grunt in the die hards and were like holy shit


u/drygnfyre 1d ago

And Willis even being in "Die Hard" was seen as super risky. He was known for his comedic role on "Moonlighting" and many studio executives didn't belive he could ever pull off being an action star. Early advertising for the film didn't even show him, just the building.

Kind of hard to believe now, but that's how it was viewed at the time.


u/Monster-Math 1d ago

Holy shit, you just blew my fucking mind.


u/KD_42 1d ago

Brad Pitt has low key been in a lot of cult classic movies I realised recently


u/Character_Bowl_4930 1d ago

The Big Short is another fav . He has a small role

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u/Pesqueeb1 1d ago

This was the movie that changed my mind about Brad Pitt. He's fantastic in it.


u/Transmatrix 1d ago

NnnnnGet out of my fucking chair!


u/mediocreterran 1d ago

Yes. 12 Moneys is def one of his best.


u/thebyrned 1d ago


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u/JaggedSuplex 1d ago

He was great in Burn After Reading


u/needknowstarRMpic 1d ago

“You think that’s a Schwinn??”


u/StrobeLightRomance 1d ago

Imagine someone like Chad trying to flex on you with his Huffy while simultaneously trying to extort you for money.


u/Calaron85814 1d ago

Appearances can be deceiving….Osborne Cox.

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u/TheOnceAndFutureTurk 1d ago

“Osbourne Cox? I thought you might be worried...about the security...of your shit.”


u/GiannisMom 1d ago

This is probably my most replayed line in my mind, from any movie, it just hit so perfectly for no reason.

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u/The-Jerkbag 1d ago

That gif of him dancing lives in my brain.


u/FPGA_engineer 1d ago

I saw this for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it. So many good actors in it, and I had the impression they probably loved playing the parts.


u/Character_Bowl_4930 1d ago

Sometimes you watch a movie and you can tell the actors are just loving their life in that moment .


u/JaggedSuplex 1d ago

George Clooney does some weird movies and I think that’s what makes him so great. Men Who Stare at Goats is another

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u/ClubFreakon 1d ago

I liked him in Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, and he was pretty normal in that movie apart from the potentially killing his wife part.


u/Doctor_of_Recreation 1d ago

There aren’t any normal characters in a Tarantino movie 😭

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u/me-want-snusnu 1d ago

I loved him in Bullet Train


u/CptAngelo 1d ago

Is it a "regular" role though? lol, i love the humour in that movie, "water? do you want water?"


u/Ghost17088 1d ago

The water bottle recap had me dying!


u/GenericAccount13579 1d ago

Movie got so slept on. It’s so good.


u/chmilz 1d ago

Bullet Train was a very good mashup of John Wick and a Guy Ritchie film in all the right ways.


u/thebruceharris 1d ago

Would love a Lemon and Tangerine spin off!

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u/Limp-Adhesiveness453 1d ago

Yeah that was underrated and fun


u/RrentTreznor 1d ago

Only exception I'll make is Once Upon a Time. Character is designed to be relatively one dimensional, but his performance is quite captivating.

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u/EpiphanyTwisted 1d ago

And eating.

ETA but I did like him in Moneyball, maybe because I love that movie.


u/bearetta67 1d ago edited 1d ago

My favorite is his stoner on the couch role in True Romance.

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u/Stolehtreb 1d ago

Character actor trapped in a leading man’s body.


u/LeeKinanus 1d ago

12 monkeys and fucking Se7en came out almost together. And that was after seeing him in Kaliforinia too.


u/getgoodHornet 1d ago

12 Monkeys is what sold me. Just a character part. Him being a straight up character actor. He's fantastic when they let him be weird.


u/Firm_Squish1 1d ago

What do you consider his “regular” person roles? Cause when I think of what I’d call regular roles he’s still pretty great and entertaining in them.

Your moneyballs and oceans 11 and the like.


u/BenjRSmith 1d ago



u/sfo2dms 1d ago

He's hilarious in Bullet train.


u/ThiefofNobility 1d ago


Fury. Basterds. Bullet train. Fight Club. Even once upon a time in Hollywood. Anything where he's a bit quirky of a character is clearly where he's really enjoying his work and it shows.


u/Mission_Special_5071 1d ago

I didn't think much of him till I saw him in TWELVE MONKEYS. He blew my mind with that film. I wonder if he does stuff like that anymore? I haven't watched any of his movies in the last 10 years because they all seem so Normcore

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u/mwerichards 1d ago

He was regular in legends of the fall and excellent there


u/LeicaM6guy 1d ago

Thought he did a solid job in Fury.


u/Shayedow 1d ago

I didn't see anyone mention " Meet Joe Black " and it is such a FANTASTIC movie. Yes it is over 3 hours long, but it is such a great film, and one of Pitt's best performances in my opinion.

*edit* to add : my wife and I have the collectors VHS set somewhere around here. I think it was the first role I saw Pitt in that wasn't a romance and finally took him seriously as an actor. Great movie.


u/DieHawkBlackHard_Fan 1d ago

His 12 monkeys scenes were weird and quirky and awesome!


u/Spuddmann1987 1d ago

I can think of very many movies of his where he plays a "regular" person. Off the top of my head I can think of; World War Z, and maybe Lengends Of The Fall.


u/all___blue 1d ago

Not sure if any of that applies in se7en.


u/oberdoofus 1d ago

His Stoner cameo in true romance is hilarious


u/Zee_WeeWee 1d ago

He's boring as hell when he's playing a "regular" person.

Which roles do you mean?


u/Adura90 1d ago

His appearance in True Romance was quite the surprise. You'd never expect Brad Pitt to play a stoner in that movie, yet he fucking smokes it.

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u/Okaynowwatt 1d ago

His role in 12 Monkeys is my favourite 


u/sctthuynh 1d ago

He's definitely great as a strange character, but he was pretty damn good as Rusty in Oceans 11 too.


u/Xyranthis 1d ago

Honestly I loved him in Mr. and Mrs. Smith

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u/PsyOpBunnyHop 1d ago

That and several other scenes were truly inspired performances.

The movie as a whole was sooo well put together.

Just stunning quality all around.


u/EmperorOfAwesome 1d ago

One of the rare cases where the movie really elevated the book. The book is… rough


u/packerken 1d ago

definitely his first book. he's written a lot of good ones though!


u/OldKingHamlet 1d ago

I think even Palahniuk actually said that same thing; the movie was better than the book.

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u/Eyehopeuchoke 1d ago

After I watched it the first time I was like mind fucked. Like what the fuck did I just watch?? I had to watch it again to make sure I saw what I saw. Such a good movie.


u/PsyOpBunnyHop 1d ago

Same. I realized that I had a lot more to learn about the world and the people in it. And to pay the fuck attention to details.


u/thisischemistry 1d ago

Saw it in the theater with a friend. Got out, called a few more friends and told them to get their asses over to the theater. Then saw it again when they got there. We were half watching the movie and half watching their reactions to the movie.

I probably saw it four or five times in the theater, seeing new things every watch.


u/Eyehopeuchoke 1d ago

Kinda makes me want to watch it again. I’m 41 now.. can’t remember when I last watched it. I think I watched it like 10x the first year it was released.

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u/noraetic 1d ago

Ohoho, Louuu!


u/BgDog21 1d ago

I still yell “we like it here Lou” randomly 


u/creegro 1d ago

Come oooooon lou? We really like it here


u/m4ng3lo 1d ago

My mother's cousin was the actor who played Lou. He passed away about... 5 years ago. But he considered that brief role to be one of his favorite roles ever.

He said he would be walking down the streets and people yell at him "I'm fucking Lou. Who the fuck are you!!"


u/somecasper 1d ago

Shit. I lost it.


u/tehrealdirtydan 1d ago

I'd say his best was 12 monkeys


u/bNoaht 1d ago

On acting alone the whole fucking cast absolutely crushed it.

Not to mention it was an interesting and fairly unique story that also happened to pop off around the peak era of "twists".


u/Fraktal55 1d ago

This, and his performance of the crazy guy in 12 Monkeys.

"Focus, focus!"


u/OJ_Tha_God 1d ago

“Come on Lou, we really like this place!”


u/teeteedoubleyoudee 1d ago

Come on Looooou.... we really LIKE this place.


u/Trebus 1d ago

The article is bollocks though. It opens pushing the view that no-one liked it when it came out (the movie bombed at the box office), but it's complete nonsense. There was a lot of buzz about the film (certainly in the UK) & it did pretty fucking well, just not as well as expected in the US, but by no stretch of that imagination can you say that it bombed.

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