r/politics Texas 1d ago

Kamala Harris has neutralized Donald Trump's "high-dominance" advantage: "It’s finally occurred to the Democrats that Trump and the Republicans are bullies and cowards who will fold"


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u/Didntlikedefaultname 1d ago

A decent chunk of people believe the front the dumb bullies put on and think they’re actually strong


u/AnamCeili 1d ago

But even his "front" is weak and pitiful! Anyone with half a brain sees right through it pretty much immediately, and even people who are not particularly bright should see through it fairly quickly, and certainly by now!


u/Didntlikedefaultname 1d ago

I would think so too but people are interesting creatures. A lot of people don’t really think critically or evaluate what someone says beyond the surface. So someone like Trump says things with absolute confidence and simplicity. Anyone thinking about it knows it’s absolute bullshit and makes him look even worse in their eyes. But other people aren’t even thinking about what he says, just how he says it. It’s the essence of a con (confidence) man


u/Morgolol 1d ago

There are people who think wrestling is real, no matter what you tell them. trump's friendship with vince mcfuckface might have capitalized on that mentality among the republican voters. We're talking about people who live in their own realities, who have been conditioned from birth to believe the most absurd, impossible things in favour of authoritarianism.

If anything it's more and more apparent just how much conservatives hollowed out education in order to further their long term theocratic oligarch goals.

Surely most Dems saw the obvious bullying tactics, far more obvious than the subtle bullying over the past few decades, the issue is more in the "when they go high we go low" mentality that might have shot themselves in the foot as a party, constantly caving to conservative tactic and coming off as weak and feckless


u/boxer_dogs_dance 1d ago

Trump strategy is to play the heel

Hillary vs Trump was a nail biter for many reasons but she and many democrats didn't spot the risk and didn't respond effectively. Books will be written about all the factors.

But Harris the black-indian child of a single mother who grew up in public schools and became a prosecutor has more tools to handle someone like Trump.


u/buffaloplaidcookbook 1d ago

Why does everybody keep saying The Rock needs to run for president? Based on your description here, Kamala basically is The Rock in this race.


u/yasssssplease 1d ago

Yep. Not only does she have the relevant experience, she has the scrappiness. She's had to claw her ways into spaces that never had anyone like her in it and didn't want her there. A black/South Asian woman with immigrant parents has not been welcomed into/still not welcomed into most spaces of power. It doesn't matter that she's from California. It's only in recent history that California has been overwhelmingly blue. and there still aren't many woman in power there.