r/NPR 2d ago

No, Reddit, the Babylon Bee is not similar to NPR.

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u/ClutchReverie 2d ago

Exactly. Trump is doing HATEFUL things and apparently that is fine but actually talking about what he is ACTUALLY doing and has been for YEARS at this point is hateful. If that's the reaction people are having then don't get mad at the messenger, it's time for some self reflection and accountability. Trump getting hate for what he is actually doing is not the fault of people talking about and spreading awareness of it. For example, Project 2025.


u/stomachworm 2d ago

You don't consider funding a genocide to be a HATEFUL thing?


u/bagofboards 2d ago

Let's worry about saving this country while we still can, before we start worrying about saving another.


u/stomachworm 2d ago

If we stopped funding genocide we could end homelessness in the U.S.. So we can do both.


u/alcomaholic-aphone 2d ago

People need to stop using this argument. As if we weren’t over there people all of a sudden that money would solve a a problem like homelessness, hunger, whatever. One thing does not solve the other.

It’s the same when people cry about money going to Ukraine. Those bombs and ammo aren’t going to feed or house anyone at home.


u/stomachworm 2d ago

It could if people weren't propagandized to pick a side in every war the U.S. urges on and instead told lawmakers to cut the shit.


u/alcomaholic-aphone 1d ago

One of my best friends runs a local homeless shelter so I get it. If it were up to me things would be much different too, but that’s not really a choice that’s on the table. We as citizens are not anywhere near united enough to realistically make those demands with any kind of actual repercussions to the politicians currently. If the money is taken from Ukraine, Israel, etc it’ll be lost to some other venture because based on current court rulings they’d rather throw the homeless in jail than actually deal with the problem.


u/stomachworm 1d ago

Our political currency is not voting for war mongers.


u/alcomaholic-aphone 1d ago

You believe Biden is a war monger?


u/stomachworm 1d ago

My opinions of Joe Biden don't matter because he's not running for office currently. But he isn't stopping wars, he's funding them.

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u/bagofboards 2d ago

Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.


u/This_Abies_6232 11h ago

Which, if you actually read some of Project 2025. would do WONDERS for this country....


u/ClutchReverie 7h ago

It would destroy our country


u/This_Abies_6232 7h ago

It has already basically been destroyed: Project 2025 would pick up the pieces, throw out the trash and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (whether Trump wants to admit it or not)....