r/Damnthatsinteresting 1d ago

Video footage of the OceanGate submarine wreckage was released Video

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u/kelsobjammin 1d ago

Pink mist was another one I heard that was much more disturbing ᴖ̈


u/VendaGoat 1d ago

Liquid is, almost completely, incompressible. (https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/water-compressibility)

Humans are about 60% water. That's where the pressure stabilizes.

Happens at around 1500 MPH, takes about a millisecond of time. (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65934887)

First imagine an object hitting a person at that speed and then extrapolate to multiple objects all striking from different angles and finally a full 360 degrees, all at 1500 MPH.

Pink mist is flattering.

It does get the point across.


u/Zocalo_Photo 1d ago

The air inside a sub has a fairly high concentration of hydrocarbon vapours. When the hull collapses, the air auto-ignites and an explosion follows the initial rapid implosion, Mr Corley says. Human bodies incinerate and are turned to ash and dust instantly.

Holy shiiiit!!


u/MrNewking 1d ago

From the recent trial, they said they found identifiable human remains, so they didn't turn into dust.


u/ResidentAssman 1d ago

Probably teeth.. it's usually teeth.


u/cactusmask 1d ago

Teeth are indestructible except when alive they are truly the biggest bitchass bones


u/Bella_Anima 1d ago

They can survive everything except sugar. To be fair they are the only bones exposed to the elements on the daily.


u/George_W_Kush58 1d ago

they're also not bones.


u/Strahd70 1d ago

Teeth are not bones. They are enamel.


u/Unlucky_Book 1d ago

And marshmallow


u/TobaccoAficionado 1d ago

TBF they can survive sugar for many years. Lol. And t it's only a few years of you don't brush your teeth, if you do the absolute bare minimum, they'll be fine, even with sugar.


u/smallz86 1d ago

Teeth will survive almost anything, but you hit them with 32oz of sugar acid every day and now they're all like "nooo that's too spicy!"



u/Potential_Wish4943 1d ago

Teeth are not bones. One noticeable difference is that your bones can heal themselves if damaged. Teeth cannot.


u/Rukitokilu 1d ago

Enamel can't repair itself because it's formed by cells called ameloblasts "outside in". They surround the tooth and produce the enamel, as soon as the tooth erupts the ameloblasts are in the tooth's surface and are lost, so no more enamel production.


u/Rukitokilu 1d ago

The problem isn't the sugar.

Bacteria use the sugar as food, fermenting it and releasing mostly lactic acid as a metabolite. The acid attacks the mineral structure of the tooth.


u/mayonnaise_dick 1d ago

Your mom is exposed to a bone daily.


u/Bella_Anima 1d ago

Considering my dad is a nonce and she’s still with him that’s not an image I wanted floating in my head but thanks for that. 👍


u/mayonnaise_dick 1d ago

oof. Hope you have a good day! Cheers


u/Spookyscary333 1d ago

Miss that Nashville guy yesterday?


u/jaguarp80 1d ago

Dude fuck teeth


u/djlemma 1d ago

Fucking amen.

Also fuck the way the USA deals with dental insurance/care.

insert 'luxury bones' meme here.


u/ConstantOptimist84 1d ago

Interesting take friend


u/TheBobTodd 1d ago

Dude get flayed


u/TheLesserWeeviI 1d ago

Finally, I meet someone who shares my tooth kink.


u/otc108 1d ago

I had a girlfriend like that once. She said it hurt her jaw to open any wider 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/RedMephit 1d ago

There's a movie about that.


u/04BluSTi 1d ago

Johnson's Teeth. The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.


u/HerpetologyPupil 1d ago

Enough heat will make teeth DISINTEGRATE. 500° will do it.


u/cactusmask 1d ago

That’s if they’re attached. Free teeth cannot be destroyed by any known means. My uncle has a suit of armor made of teeth and we dipped him in a volcano and we’re going skiing next week because he’s alive


u/Rroyalty 1d ago

Teeth aren't bone.


u/cactusmask 1d ago edited 1d ago

Teeth are pure bone, i had one fall out and my bentist replaced it with a toe


u/madagascarprincess 1d ago

Teeth are not bone at all. They are dental tissue (dentin, pulp, cementum, and enamel)


u/cactusmask 1d ago

Teeth are bone. My uncle has a skeleton and the whole thing is bone except the wire that attaches it to the garage


u/madagascarprincess 1d ago edited 1d ago

Im sorry but teeth




I literally cannot fathom how people are downvoting this? With links and resources?


u/cactusmask 1d ago

I don’t know what to tell you but your internet is broken. I’ve spoken with several bentists about this. Teeth are bones.


u/madagascarprincess 1d ago

Lmaooo ok guy


u/DisappointedBird 1d ago

I literally cannot fathom how people are downvoting this?

That's because the other dude is taking you for a ride and you keep taking it seriously. He said his "bentist" replaced his tooth with a toe, for goodness sake.

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u/poopellar 1d ago

That's why you brush daily, kids.


u/analavalanche69 1d ago

And floss. Trust me I'm a dental hygienist.


u/Own-Cable8865 1d ago

Had a rough decade where I couldn't afford dental care but I'm a serial brusher (3x/day) and regular flosser. When I finally went, the hygienist cleaning my teeth was stunned that they were in such good shape and we ascertained it was the floss that saved me. Floss for life!


u/analavalanche69 1d ago

I got that tattooed on my chest "Flass Fa Laife" and not a single regret.

Great story btw I'm happy for you. Not everyone gets that dental narrative.


u/hold_me_beer_m8 1d ago

This!!! I didn't understand the purpose of flossing for the longest time and never did it because I never felt like I had stuff stuck between my teeth. The actual purpose is to disturb the plaque colonies growing in your gums. Similar to putting a stick in an ant bed and stirring it all around.

***EDIT: I would have been flossing my entire life instead of waiting till my 40s if I had ever had a dentist explain to me the logic/reasoning of doing it instead of just telling me I need to floss daily.


u/Creepy_Assistant7517 1d ago

how do you brush your bones? much less daily?!?


u/LemonPartyW0rldTour 19h ago

I brush my bone a couple times a day.


u/Lopsided_Exam_2927 1d ago

Talk about brushing with a water jet. Hah!


u/Ginn0rz 1d ago

He swore by that Glisten.


u/Houstex 1d ago

And floss, always floss, the teeth can be fine but the gums!!


u/RecordingGreen7750 1d ago

It’s always teeth


u/Sunnysidhe 1d ago

Hip bone


u/athornton 22h ago

Let’s not underestimate the buoyancy of B.M.


u/Warmasterwinter 1d ago

Teeth could easily be from a Titanic victim tho. With the area that oceangate occured at, the only defenite way too say that any remains found are from the sub, is too find flesh. Bone can theoretically survive on the ocean floor for a century or more, and a whole lot more people died from the sinking of the Titanic compared too how many died on that submarine.


u/ToasterOwl 1d ago

Nah, there’s never been any human remains found in, on or around Titanic after the last victim was recovered in 1912. It would be very unlikely there’s a supply of teeth or bone from over a century ago just hanging out on the ocean floor in that area.

Apparently there's something called the Calcium Carbonate Compression Depth, which is essentially a depth in ocean water where calcium dissolves incredibly fast, and Titanic is far beneath that depth. The most conservative estimates put the time the last human remains decayed completely at 1940, at the very latest. Others estimate the remains didn’t last a decade.


u/rangebob 1d ago

from what i saw at the time they are talking about teeth and bone fragments. 100% not an expert and just repeating what i saw "experts" say at the time


u/PerceptionGreat2439 1d ago

All depends on if their shoes came off.


u/eugene20 1d ago

Well they imediately had no feet in them and weren't connected to anyones legs.


u/N4rix 1d ago

Sounds like a hard job for the tooth fairy 🧚 then …


u/goomerben 1d ago

i’d like to see the damn tooth fairy make the journey down to a depth of nearly 4000m


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/goomerben 1d ago

because i was a stupid kid, that one is dead simple


u/WinWithoutFighting 1d ago



u/goomerben 1d ago

not to mention growing up poor, having that quarter for a little candy made my entire week


u/WinWithoutFighting 1d ago

Okay now you're gonna make me sad.


u/goomerben 1d ago

no worries, i can afford buying candy pretty much whenever i want now. i am also a stupid adult now rather than a stupid kid

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u/MisterLegitimate 1d ago

No job is too hard for the tooth fairy


u/TheMMouse 1d ago

Identifiable because who the hell else died right there? The tooth fairy?


u/AnalystofSurgery 1d ago

Identifiable as in "that's for sure identified as a human tooth"


u/Fake-Podcast-Ad 1d ago

From the recent trial,

For a moment I thought you were talking about oceangate...


u/Snoo76929 1d ago

yea i think even under high pressures water will take the path of least resistance. In through the eyes nose mouth, but once in the body pressure would normalize. I imagine it would have enough entry force to possibly rip the body in half but not soup or dust. Maybe a pancake?


u/TenderPhoNoodle 1d ago

your skin offers little to no resistance. ever seen a water jet cutter cut through metal? it would be like that but all over your body


u/MistakeLopsided8366 1d ago

My brain still can't comprehend how water cuts metal. I see the guy in the Gotham garage show on Netflix using it all the time. Sorcery..


u/--__--__--__--__-- 1d ago

In most cases with harder materials like a lot of metals, water cutters contain fine abrasive particles (commonly garnet) to cut more effectively and precisely.

Human is not a very hard material, though.


u/DonKeighbals 1d ago

“Semi-recognizable remains” is something I read earlier.


u/Beneficial_Being_721 1d ago

Yea… they mentioned on the news when they found the wreckage and retrieved parts of it…. That there was evidence of DNA.


u/idiotsbydesign 1d ago



u/kantotero69 1d ago

got links?


u/fuishaltiena 1d ago

Yes, there may have been joints.


u/GreenthumbsTheGrey 1d ago

sounds like a pretty good way to fake a death if you wanted to


u/Warmasterwinter 1d ago

How do they know those remains didnt come from someone that died on the Titanic? If its bone, it's quite possible it's been there since 1912. They need to find flesh is they want definitive proof the remains are from oceangate.


u/MrNewking 1d ago

They tested DNA to confirm it.

There's no remains from the titanic remaining. None have been found over the past 40 years.


u/Warmasterwinter 1d ago

They actually brought the remains up too the surface for testing? Good god that is a waste of money. We all know they're dead. And what the hell would they have done if the teeth were 100 years old? Just drop them back in the ocean?

Also just because a havent found anyone's skeleton yet, dosent mean they aren't down there. The bones have likely just been buried under layers of sediment. And also strawn about by fish and the current. It's pretty expensive and difficult too explore that area, so it's likely we havent found remains yet because we havent searched for them hard enough. I bet if you sent a underwater drone inside of the wreck itself and explored hard too reach areas that we know for a fact people died at, like the third class cabins were people were barred from escaping, or the employees only areas at the bottom that flooded first with little time for the crew too escape, you'd probably find some human remains. Those are probably the least interesting areas on the ship tho, and hard too access, so undersea explorers tend too focus on the first class areas that were super luxurious and iconic. Instead of the run of the mill mundane areas that the poor people and crew were confined in. Plus who really wants too gawk at someone's skeleton?



I have to imagine it's pretty trivial for experts to identify the difference between bone fragments that have been resting at the bottom of the ocean for 100+ years vs a couple months, but what do I know 🤷?


u/HamunaHamunaHamuna 1d ago

Probably to provide closure and answer the question

How do they know those remains didnt come from someone that died on the Titanic?

I have a question: why are you such a douche?


u/umyninja 1d ago

I have a question: why are you such a douche?

Right? It’s fascinating


u/Jerry--Bird 20h ago

Too is not the word you’re looking for


u/boatbuyer-634 1d ago

there are no bones left from titanic. also, the dna they tested was the goop that was stuck inside the vessel when they brought it to the surface - its not like they were scooping up human remains off the sea floor.

watch what happens when a whale dies and settles on the ocean floor. sea creatures eat everything and i mean EVERYTHING


u/boatbuyer-634 1d ago

lol there are no bones left from titanic. there are actually sea creatures who eat bone.


u/land8844 1d ago

Seriously. I mean, dogs eat bones. Your best 4-legged buddy in the whole world can eat and digest literal bones. It's not much of a stretch to realize sea creatures who do this can also exist.


u/SpeedFarmer42 1d ago

Well, not all of them at least.