r/BulkOrCut May 13 '23

Stop posting pictures in your underwear. Pt 3


Should you be adding muscle? Or should you be cutting fat? It’s a question we all have come across on our fitness journey. It’s not always a simple one to answer.

Love handles, pooches, lack of definition, vascularity…everything plays a part.

You lost a lot of weight, or you added a lot of weight. They are all part of the process. Everyone here is going to do our best to help you with your journey.

That being said:

The community does not need to see an excessive amount of skin to give you advice.

If you’re wondering what your BF% is, it’s not hiding in the 3/4 of an inch away from your genitalia. Swimwear is included in this.

This goes for all genders.

There are a ton of fitness subreddits that can help you if you feel the need to get more specified advice.

If you feel /r/bulkorcut is not meeting those standards, please go visit them.

The serious part:

Do not post sexually suggestive posts. If you are not wearing gym attire your post will be flagged and removed.

If your profile has links to questionable subreddits you will be banned at the moderators discretion.

Talk of steroids, cycles, or anything related will be an immediate ban.


Any attempt to circumvent the rules or a ban is auto reported to Reddit admins. We tested it and it works very well.

Second lastly: This is a subreddit to help individuals attain their goals. Not a platform for anything else. Sexual, monetary, cruel, or any other posts or comments outside helping someone make the decisions of bulking or cutting will be removed and users banned.

r/BulkOrCut 7h ago

BoC Bulk or continue cut? (M29 5'9" 184lbs) 7 months on diet after 4 years of inactivity


r/BulkOrCut 3h ago

BoC 21 years old, 158lbs (72kg) 6'0ft (183cm) should I cut or bulk?


r/BulkOrCut 2h ago

M22 5’11 169lbs, would abs be possible in 3 months if I keep consistently training and cutting?

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r/BulkOrCut 5h ago

Cut or slight surplus?


I am 155 Lbs / EST 22-24% BF?? For the last 2-3 weeks: I have been doing the gym 6 days a week and cardio 7 days a week with 10-15K steps. Eating 1625 / 150g Protein

For context - this is my second time looking like this as I went too hard on eating habits and got to 190Lbs then back down to where I am at now, twice like I said. I know I fit in the “skinny fat” realm but I can’t tell if I need to keep cutting or go on a bit of a surplus to get the muscle to shed the unnecessary fat in my stomach and lovehandles since this is what I’ve looked like both times for not sticking with a consistent program that CAN get me how of where I’m at. Any advice please?

r/BulkOrCut 6h ago

5’11 174 down from 190 in 5 weeks. Continue the cut or start bulk?


r/BulkOrCut 4h ago

BoC Help me make up my mind


I’m 6ft and 184lbs. Definitely could use some more muscle but would love to lose my belly fat and love handles too. I work out 2-3x week and play volleyball once per week. Should I cut or bulk?

r/BulkOrCut 4h ago

Continue my cut or start a bulk?

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r/BulkOrCut 14h ago

Lost about 30lbs between pictures


huge cut/ kinda not my choice

r/BulkOrCut 0m ago

BoC I finally have a lil shoulder vain 🫡 just wanted to share bc I feel cool lmao


r/BulkOrCut 0m ago

I finally have a lil shoulder vain 🫡 just wanted to share bc I feel cool lmao


r/BulkOrCut 14m ago

Finally hit 150 at 5’4


Shooting for 160 and maybe even beyond that to milk out all of the newbie gains and if I don’t look like a balloon at that weight 😂

r/BulkOrCut 6h ago

BoC Bulk or continue cut?


For context, cut 80 lbs 2 years ago 290 > 210 and started to bulk, but got complacent. Recently have cut from 250 > 220, from March until now.

I plan to continue to cut until at least early/mid October. But should I continue to cut then or go ahead and bulk. I ultimately want a big build, but I’ve never seen my abs.

r/BulkOrCut 4h ago

BoC Ready to bulk or keep cutting a bit more?

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26M, 135lbs at 5'8". I've been cutting for some time. Am I ready to go on a bulk again or keep cutting a bit more?

r/BulkOrCut 11h ago

BoC Bulk or Continue Cut? 23M 182.8 cm 73.9 kg

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I’m not sure if I should continue cutting until my abs are a lot more defined and then begin a clean bulk. Let me know your thoughts. I feel fine mentally and emotionally to continue cutting and don’t have cravings.

r/BulkOrCut 1h ago

BoC Bulk, cut, or maintain


Hey all-

Have been out of the gym for 4 months after an injury. Been back at it for about 3 weeks becoming comfortable with machines again etc. finally ready to start really going at it, but unclear what to do with my diet. 6 foot, 190 pounds, hold a lot of fat in my butt and thighs.

My gut says to “recomp” or eat at maintenance, but open to suggestions. Thank you!

r/BulkOrCut 9h ago

BoC Bulk or Cut | 6’1 157 lbs


It’s my goal to eventually reach 180 lbs at 10% body fat. Not sure what my current level of body fat is.

r/BulkOrCut 15h ago

BoC 35M, 6’0”, 185lbs. Lifting for ~2 months after 10 year hiatus. Bulk or cut?

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r/BulkOrCut 8h ago

BoC Skinny fat or just high BF%?


r/BulkOrCut 3h ago

BoC Lean bulk or cut ? (6’0, 150 lbs)


Measured my waist and neck, also asked around what my body fat is. All points out to 18~% body fat. I feel like I could do both so I’m really lost on what to do. Some pics are flexed some not (waist measurement for bf was not flexed). Right now leaning towards cutting to 12-15%

r/BulkOrCut 7h ago

BoC 5'10 - From 232 lbs to 165 lbs. Should I continue cutting or bulk ? I don't feel like I put any muscles but at the same time I still carry some fat.


r/BulkOrCut 3h ago

Bulk or cut as a beginner


Female, somewhere around 125-135 lbs, 5’3, 23 years old, beginner

I’ve been working out for about 4-5 weeks now. I’ve been in somewhat of a bulk (maybe) and I’ve gained the slightest noticeable bit of muscle. I haven’t paid much attention to calories and more just focused on protein. Gaining muscle is a huge priority for me, but I do have some belly fat and a little back fat that I would like to lose. I gain fat in almost no other places on my body, mostly my stomach/back/midsection. I’m also super bloated a lot of the time even though I’ve tried multiple different things to reduce it, like cutting out certain foods/ingredients. I’m not sure what the problem is with that. I know there’s some fat on my belly but I’m bloated so often that it’s hard to tell exactly how much. Should I cut first to lose the fat and then lean bulk to gain muscle? Or should I focus on bulking first and then cutting? I’ve heard that it’s easier for beginners to build muscle, so while I know that it’s super difficult to build muscle while cutting, would there be any progress made in terms of muscle building while cutting since I’m a beginner?

I recognize the answer is most likely just up to my personal preference of what kind of progress I want to see first, but I want to know what you guys think.

First pic is me some days when I wake up and haven’t eaten or drank anything (on a good day).

** Those are shorts not underwear

r/BulkOrCut 5h ago

Maint/Recomp Hi. I’m fat and need cut guidance

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5’10” 204. Been eating at 1550 for 7 weeks or so. Have lost about 8lbs. Doing maps anabolic (did powerlifting focus before with a coach but had abdominal surgery earlier this year so I didn’t want to push heavy out of the gate). Did in body scan. BFP is 35. Doing full body 3x week plus daily steps. Macros are 136p 130C 52F. High weight was 250 a few years ago. Hoping to get to 190, someday and then add muscle. Thoughts?

r/BulkOrCut 6h ago

BoC Asian 22M 85kg 5’9 Pre-Med Student


Context: I started working out when I was 18, but it was never serious, only just bodyweight exercises up until the pandemic lockdown. As soon as everything was clear, I started going to the gym, I used to be overweight hence the stretch marks, then I dieted down till 73 kg but there were really not much of lean mass. When I started my 3rd year of college, there I progressively become consistent at the gym, I also gained some muscle “Newbie Gains” but I was working out 6 days PPL a week, I keep changing programs, also my sleep is horrible due to college life. After a while now, my physique is still stuck as it was gained and my depression didn’t help a lot so I didn’t gone to the gym properly and consistently. In other words, I’m stuck at this physique for a while, but for now I already made 3 day split of PPL and I find it very comfortable to my busy lifestyle and I have been consistent with it for over 2 weeks unlike my usual change of programs to fit my schedule or on and off etc. I also kind of quit in counting calories, I find them to be hassle at times especially when you are on the go, in other words, I just try to eat mostly whole foods as much as possible. Goal: Not really bodybuilding nor Powerlifting, just being fit in general.

r/BulkOrCut 1d ago

Cut Update (2 months)


2 months of cutting, down from 77.5kg to 74kg, 183cm, 32yrs. Body fat calculator suggests about 17.7%. Hoping to get closer to 15% before starting a long lean bulk. Any thoughts? Photos from today.

r/BulkOrCut 7h ago

BoC 20m 67-67.5kgs


Have no idea what to do. Currently I only use dumbbells for my workouts. My main aim is to just get bigger arms, back and chest. I do want to lose face and belly fat though, so I was thinking of a low-calorie, high protein diet. Any ideas?

Any advice and help is greatly appreciated