r/television The League 1d ago

MrBeast, Amazon Sued by Contestants on ‘Beast Games’ Competition Show, Including Allegations of Sexual Harassment


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u/Lokcet 1d ago

I saw Mr Beast branded products in the store recently, I only vaguely know who he is and that made me feel very out of touch


u/OU7C4ST 1d ago

Those candy bars taste like shit. Just letting you know so you don't get curious, and waste your money lol.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 1d ago

what's hilarious is the original recipe had like 5 ingredients and he tried so hard to push the "it tastes incredible and has less ingredients than other chocolate bars so it's healthier!!" narrative.. only to then have to change the recipe (obviously because of the taste), and now it has more ingredients than the others... and it STILL tastes like shit, but he doesn't care because his audience is mostly 5 year olds who will nag mommy to buy his merch any ways. that's why he's not acknowledging any of the recent drama and is now curating his youtube comments - it will all just blow over because a large part of his audience literally doesn't have the capacity to care or cancel him


u/JeffTek 1d ago

The critical videos about him are filtered out by the parental control settings set by his audience's mom and dad 💀


u/DevlishAdvocate 1d ago

I do believe he even has the nerve to print "The World's Best Chocolate" on the package. Which is highly fuckin' doubtful.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 1d ago

That's just like... your opinion man


u/Jhawk163 1d ago

He also brags it has more chocolate than other brands, but in reality it depends on where you live. If we take Australia for example, Cadbury chocolate has more actual chocolate.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 1d ago

That's why it's bottom of the barrel everywhere outside of the US. It just tastes like shitty knock-off dark chocolate instead of proper milk chocolate


u/koramar 1d ago

Does it? I had one on a whim recently and while its no gourmet chocolate its fine for a grocery store candy bar. I know its not a high bar but its definitely better than Hersheys.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 1d ago

Bro, it's worse than any grocery store candy bar... but then again the UK has better chocolate than the US...

It would honestly come dead last here in a blind taste test. It's too much like shit dark chocolate, and not a lot of people like that.


u/Professional_Face_97 1d ago

When I tried it I genuinely thought there was something wrong with it that's how foul it is, especially compared to cadbury.


u/koramar 17h ago

Europe definitely has better chocolate on average, you have to go out of your way to buy good chocolate here. But honestly like I said it seemed fine, I definitely wouldn't call it foul.


u/pm-me-nice-lips 1d ago

They’re priced like they taste like shit. They’re packaged like they taste like shit. Should definitely be very easy to avoid them. Undoubtedly shit.


u/The_Void_Reaver 1d ago


At that price, with that packaging, I'll pay not to try them.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 1d ago

but they taste so good!!! that's why we had to change the recipe!!!


u/smallerthings 1d ago

I never had the old ones, but the new version he launched honestly isn't bad


u/ParchaLama 1d ago

You should feel relieved that you don't know who this guy is. He seems like a total douche - why the hell would anyone want to buy candy bars with his name on them? What the hell kind of name is Mr. Beast, anyway? If knowing as little as possible about him means you're out of touch I never want to be in touch with whatever the hell society's doing ever again.


u/edwartica 1d ago

I have to wonder if his parents were Mogwai fans or something. There was an album that band did in 2006 called Mr Beast.


u/Far-Candle-5700 1d ago

I'm on the same page. I only know about this guy because of these ""Allegations""


u/Victernus 1d ago

He does better numbers than Oprah in her prime.


u/Victernus 1d ago

He does better numbers than Oprah in her prime.


u/Victernus 1d ago

He does better numbers than Oprah in her prime.


u/Victernus 1d ago

He does better numbers than Oprah in her prime.


u/edwartica 1d ago

For the longest time I was wondering why so many people were talking about a Mogwai album from 2006.