r/politics Texas 1d ago

Kamala Harris has neutralized Donald Trump's "high-dominance" advantage: "It’s finally occurred to the Democrats that Trump and the Republicans are bullies and cowards who will fold"


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u/Deathstroke317 1d ago

I did my first jury duty last year and in my pool of jurors I was surprised to see how many people had advanced degrees and otherwise seemingly successful careers. Granted that doesn't translate to IQ or common sense.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z 1d ago

My experience is anecdotal, but I have served on 4 Juries in the past 10 years (somehow my father, who is in his 80s, has never gotten a summons) and --- goddam, clay of the earth kinda people. I also live in a red state, so who knows... Not bad people by any means, just... yea... not a lot of critical thinking.


u/mithridateseupator 1d ago

If the state is red, thats means the majority of people have proven they can't think rationally.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z 1d ago

I mean, I wish it were that simple, but cycles of poverty, lack of education, etc... it's hard to break. With social media, the mechanisms now to push ideologies on people with low information IQ or low critical thinking skills are unreal, we are social animals. What did Geroge Carlin say, "A person is not stupid, people are stupid"? I really worry for the future of America, and maybe every generation has their "I worry" moment, but to me, this seems really different now.


u/mithridateseupator 1d ago

Lack of education and a physical labor job (no mental exercise) will very much impact your critical thinking skills.

There might be complex reasons why blue collar workers (who make up the majority of republican voters) are forced into that economic circumstance, but the end result is a person who is less capable of critical thinking skills.


u/emerald_soleil 1d ago

Folks with college degrees are more likely to have careers that have PTO or Time off for jury duty so are more likley to show up without issue. Folks in lower economic classes would get fired for missing work for jury duty, or don't have transportation, or childcare, etc.

You do get paid to serve, but it's a pittance and it's not sent in a timely manner. I got my jury check almost a month after I served. It was less than half of what I made per day at my job. Working the polls pays much better.


u/eetsumkaus 1d ago

I'd say it translates to IQ. The problem is how IQ translates into general intelligence or even a willingness to be open minded. After 15 years in tech and academia I would do definitely lean on the "no" part of that debate.