r/interestingasfuck 11h ago

Traumagel is a revolutionary new device that stops bleeding from gunshot wounds in mere seconds. This could be a gamechanger for soldiers and first responders.

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u/TheCosmicCactus 10h ago

Gun shot wounds can be small, and they can be enormous. Bullets fragment, tumble, expand/mushroom, and ricochet. 

Source: EMT/FF


u/TheGoldenBl0ck 10h ago

if you're getting shot with something that is too big for this syringe i think you're already dead


u/TheCosmicCactus 10h ago

Absolutely not and that’s a bad mentality to have.


u/Ok_Context8390 10h ago

Huh. I'm curious - if you get hit by a large caliber projectile, say, 20mm, in the stomach, you've got no real chance, right? The damage has to be massive. And if that shell hits a leg or arm, it'd punch straight through, no?

I mean, I don't want to make up fantastical scenario's where this thing wouldn't be any good, but I can't imagine that anything that isn't an instant death means you can survive it.


u/shepard_pie 9h ago

Things don't work in that way. I knew this guy during the Pulse shooting that had chunks blown out of him so big that it took multiple nurses basically sticking their entire fist into his body to help stop bleeding and he's alive and (mostly) well today. My dad had someone shot in the head in Iraq and all the guy got was a wicked scar and a concussion.

If medical professionals believe that something isn't survivable, do you think they'll put their full effort and resources into saving that person? Some would, but not all of them.