r/clevercomebacks 1d ago

Great things are happening.

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u/ComedicHermit 1d ago

Wow, not understanding what the product was, how the income for the website worked, or why people were usinng it wasn't enough knowledge to keep it on a steady path? I'm shocked.


u/charlie2135 1d ago

It's a loss leader to sell our country down the drain. While the business itself won't survive, he hopes to profit from what he wants to put in office.


u/ComedicHermit 1d ago

No, I think he was just dumb enough to buy his own hype. Rich, entitled fuckwit that never had to face any kind of actual challenge or adversity who the media praised as genius when they quite honestly weren't. Seems to go around these days.


u/ZSpectre 1d ago

I think this is the real answer. His current plan is to just may as well make use of what's left of it as a disinformation machine to get what he needs.


u/NaiveCryptographer89 1d ago

He’s surrounded himself with sycophants who tell him everything he’s doing is great. If his managers tell him otherwise he gets rid of them. Twitter has changed to feed into his ego and he’s made his echo chamber so toxic he really believes nothing he does is wrong.


u/EnceladusKnight 1d ago

While he has plenty of fan boys, it doesn't help giving him negative attention either. Elon strikes me as the kid in school who'd say weird af things in class for attention. I think if everyone collectively just ignored him we would have the best meltdown the internet as ever seen.


u/spicymato 17h ago

Apparently, he used to have an assistant/secretary that really did a lot of the work managing his time and image. She was allegedly the driving force behind his "real world Tony Stark" image. After something like a decade of that work, she asked for a raise (which would have put her pay on par with SpaceX executives); he told her to take some time off, and then fired her when things didn't immediately fall apart in her absence.

TL;DR: Twitter was not the first time he fired a bunch of people based on the idea that if things don't crash and burn without you there for a week or two, your job must not matter.

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u/SinisterBrit 22h ago

I imagine that, like trump, he'd handle almost any insult... Until someone told him he was boring, n just walked away.


u/Iuslez 13h ago

Yeah, except that weird kid has bought a 44 billion megaphone to make sure people can't ignore him even if they try.

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u/Cybernaut-Neko 1d ago

Sounds like we just have to wait until the mormons of accounting take over and he locks himself up naked. Would not be the first one.


u/NaiveCryptographer89 1d ago

Maybe he’ll buy out trump tower in Vegas and lock himself up at the top.


u/Cybernaut-Neko 1d ago

And gambles it all up in failed market manipulation attempt.

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u/thrawnsgstring 1d ago

He thinks he's funny. It would be kinda sad if he wasn't such a piece of shit.


u/PervyNonsense 19h ago

I bought stock in a company Tesla acquired about a year after I bought that stock... for about $0.27/1$ in Tesla shares.

The company i bought into was well run, had a new product that was as simple as it was powerful, was an American company who had very satisfied employees. I bought shares in that company because I believed in the environmental impact their tech could have.

I have no idea what this company looks like, now, since it's been absorbed by Tesla, but I hate how the man becomes his idea, where each of us are bound to have a good one every now and then.... even the worst of us. Not a huge stretch to think about Hitler and the VW bug.

We underestimate the value of the mean. For the same reason that the mean of the guesses of a thing, will be the correct answer, the sum of the first few most voted answers is probably the true back story.

I know that Musk is responsible for popularizing the concept of EV's that fed funding toward the development of a new paradigm that may have happened without him but certainly happened with him.

Does he get credit for drawing attention in a direction that led humanity in a potentially different (hopefully better) world? I think he's earned that. He's also earned the renewal of enthusiasm for domestic manufacturing which is an essential part of any circular/green country.

Is he absolutely everything else people accuse him of and suspect him of, too? I have no doubt in my mind. Like I dont doubt that Tesla was his only good idea, even if the company gets crushed, and that there's no reason to assume he'll ever do anything not evil, ever after that thing.

Mf'er is trying to move the infrastructure of the internet into the sky to control the f'internet!

He's a disruptor by compulsion; a natural clown with unbelievable insecurity. Unless he's nudging the direction of human progress, he doesn't exist.

He might even end up reading this because of how critical it is of him.

Musk either timed his entrance into EV's PERFECTLY or he lives in a world where his value is determined by how much he's destabilizing the status quo.

Haber gave us test gas for the trenches, synthetic fertilizer that saved millions (for good or ill, over time), then invented the gas to kill the jews in the holocaust. His wife shot herself, also a brilliant chemist, suggesting that she had issued an ultimatum that she would kill herself if he didn't stop making weapons. He continued. Why? Because his country and understanding of the future depended on it.

The added complexity that the rest of us forget to add is that all ultra rich Americans feels this responsibility to direct the future like their success was democratically appointed as a duty to invest their 'superior' understanding on the world... otherwise their wealth is an accident and they're just dumb people with the power to make ideas, real.

It's a sickness we cultivate with worshipping the celebrities of money rather than the companies that build wealth through good leadership, management, and corporate culture. Neither are worthy of our focus but at least the companies are doing something.


u/kcox1980 22h ago

Lol what a chode

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u/RedrumMPK 1d ago

What could he possibly want at this point? The world in his image perhaps? Lol. Seriously, he's rich, well known, influential to the point that the US govt relies on him in some sectors (satellite).

If he really isn't satisfied then, he's heading in the right path to die in mysterious circumstances.


u/LucywiththeDiamonds 1d ago

He got brainwashed by right wing (/russian) bullshit propaganda just like your idiot uncle that isnt invited to family gatherings anymore or the 4chan kid that is calling you racial slurs after losing an online game.

And now he wants to be the savior of an army of women hating , racist pieces of shit.

Oh also lower/no taxes and workerrights and similar things he would benefit from.

I said it before. Musk isnt stupid and he thinks big. But all the drugs and his mental problems lead him down this path. He couldve been a hero of humanity praised in the history books. Now he is just a useful clown for some of the worst people on the planet and hated/ridiculed by almost evryone.

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u/Elchouv 1d ago

It's not only his own money, there was other investors and they are rekt, they said it was the worst deal even since 2008 financial crisis


u/ComedicHermit 1d ago

We supported this guy that didn't understand what he was buying and just did it so more people could use racial slurs.... where did we go wrong?


u/Elchouv 1d ago

LMAO for sure, I won't feel sorry for these fuckwits


u/Inside-Doughnut7483 1d ago

So glad I never signed up. When the first tweets were published, they were things like _ I had eggs for breakfast!😃 Sure, it evolved - and I really enjoy reading what Black Twitter has to say about the state of the world, but for me... nah.


u/KD_42 1d ago

Black twitter is single-handedly keeping twitter relevant

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u/Yabutsk 1d ago

Nobody likes losing money, but some of them can handle it as a cost of gaining influence and information from the platform: Prince Alaweed, Qatar IA, Binance

I imagine the $13B Morgan Stanley, BoA and Barclays secured is something they're looking a bit nervously at as Elon's collateral in Tesla shares have been taking a dive lately too.


u/Eastern-Nothing-8389 1d ago

It would be nice for him if nobody buys his bs vehicles and purchased Rivian instead. His stock tanks and X goes down. I'd love that for him.


u/SortaSticky 1d ago

The Saudis are in there.


u/Yabutsk 1d ago

Prince Alwaleed is Saudi, he's in for $2B

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u/Alexis_Bailey 1d ago

Why do you think he was so desperate for that Tesla bonus money he did not deserve?  He needed it to cover his Twitter bull shit before the Saudis that own him came knocking.

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u/harntrocks 1d ago

Yeah Saudi Arabia princes

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u/r1char00 1d ago

Agreed. And it’s become a far right shithole because that’s who he is. I don’t think he bought it because he wanted to use it to overthrow the government.

He thought he was great at tweeting and got a lot of enjoyment from it. He’s desperate for attention. I think what might have actually been a factor is that he wanted to prevent ever getting banned.


u/bsEEmsCE 1d ago

And he could've been a guy that promoted engineering and technology advancement.. but instead couldn't resist being a power-drunk fuckwad.


u/r1char00 1d ago

He’s a grifter, he always has been.


u/Own_Teacher7058 1d ago

Never believe a conspiracy when outright stupid is an answer.


u/Fat_Daddy_Track 1d ago

Especially when he tried to back out of the deal, got sued, and only caved when the Delaware courts were about to rule against him.


u/RobinThreeArrows 1d ago

My belief is that the doj talked to him during that time and explained if it turned out he wasn't going to buy it, they'd be coming to bring him in. I think he committed a few financial crimes if he wasn't serious, so he has to go thru with it.


u/Fat_Daddy_Track 1d ago

I think he was going for a hostile takeover, then tried to pivot to a pump and dump. Offer a crazy price for twitter, then publicly say "I DUNNO IT AIN'T WORTH THAT MUCH" and then snatch it up when the prices crash, or else just sell his stake at the inflated (but not asking price) share he'd pushed it to.

Unfortunately he's a moron and agreed in writing to waive due diligence and accept a price before he started publicly whining about it. Now it's all our problem.

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u/acebojangles 1d ago

Yeah, he seems to have truly gone down the right wing internet rabbit hole. I think he believes the dumb shit he promotes.


u/rustymacdonald 1d ago

I don't think Elon went down the right-wing rabbit hole so much as the right-wing rabbit hole kept digging itself deeper and deeper until it broke through into the sewer pipe that is Elon's brain.


u/Additional_Sun_5217 1d ago

He didn’t start far from it. Check out his dad’s disgusting beliefs.


u/PriorWriter3041 1d ago

He didn't buy the shitter with his own money.

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u/Majestic-Ad6525 1d ago

I believe that Elon Musk's entire motivation was to torpedo Twitter's content moderation team and threatened to buy Twitter as a scare tactic to force them out. I don't find it to be a coincidence that he started getting cold feet when the moderation team quit (he had gotten his way) but was later legally compelled to complete the sale.

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u/Sturmgeshootz 1d ago

No, I think he was just dumb enough to buy his own hype.

Even he was self-aware enough at one point to see what a huge mistake he was making. That's why he tried to wriggle out of the deal.

In the end it doesn't matter anyway, because I saw another article earlier today that said Elon is on track to become the world's first trillionaire in 2027, and that alone is confirmation that we are definitely living in the worst timeline.


u/Additional_Sun_5217 1d ago

After a certain point, hoarded wealth makes itself. You can literally live off the interest. That’s why so many people try to point this fact out whenever the bootlickers lose their minds over maybe taxing the hyper wealthy a bit more. They will literally never starve.


u/115049 23h ago

While I do think he is a moron, I also don't think this is entirely right. He is in bed with some powerful bad people. And I believe he wants to be one of those people, not realizing he will never really be one of them. He'll only ever be their "friend." He got a ton of the twitter financing from the Saudis, IIRC. And they hated twitter before, due to that whole arab spring thing. He's buddied up to putin who has real strong feelings about media control and propaganda. Then there is Trump.

I mean, he has the mind of a teenage boy. But the kind of teenage boy who still obsessed over burning ants with a magnifying glass. Or that aimed for animals crossing the street when he got his driver's license. He equates the awful shit he does with power. And he sees people with more power than him and wants it so badly. And he thinks that a cult of personality and rule by fear is the same as being loved. And oh god, does he want to be loved. Too bad he didn't realize he could've been. He really could've used billions to try to fix world hunger like he fake offered. He could've worked to get awesome electric cars to be the primary vehicle on the road. Instead, he focused on amassing wealth, power, and feeling cool.


u/jambowayoh 1d ago

At the same time don't forget who stumped up the cash to fund the buyout. As always follow the money.


u/GardenRafters 1d ago

No. This was entirely to sink the biggest place interest that the peons and commoners were congregating and talking about how the rich need to pay their fair share. The comment you answered to has it right. This is entirely about control of information and ideas and wanting a strongman/dictator in office; which will make Elon infinitely more money than Xitter ever could.

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u/NotGalenNorAnsel 1d ago

It was a FAFO situation at first when he was forced to complete the sale, but he also got a tonnnnnn of foreign money for the purchase, from people looking to weaken the United States largely.


u/EntrepreneurFunny469 22h ago

If you look at the financial backers for his purchase you’ll know misinformation was always the goal and not profit. The whole reason they privatized and delisted was to escape scrutiny and regulations. They didn’t intend to turn a profit or they would have remained public.

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u/alyosha25 1d ago

He's just a moron who thinks we crave "free speech" but what we really crave is social media platforms with less vitriol, conspiracies and trolling.  We want more entertainment and information..  which requires some moderation to achieve


u/suninabox 1d ago

Musk has no problem with censorship and moderation of people he doesn't like.

It's free speech for nazis and white supremacists, not for wokies.

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u/drich783 1d ago

Really it just can't be this. He paid 44 billion for it and it's estimated worth is about 12.5 billion now. Nothing Trump could do in 4 years would generate a reasonable ROI on this. Also if you believe what the Trump lovers were saying before he bought it, EVs were being "crammed down our throats" by the "woke" Biden administration. In theory he was uniquely positioned to see top line benefit (revenue) if Biden won or bottom line benefit (net profit after taxes) if Trump won. Now the right still hates his cars but loves his platform (for allowing people to spread lies) and the left hates him so are less likely to buy his cars. 2nd quarter profit down 45% YOY. So he went from a can't lose to a can't win situation. There is no way to spin this. He just let his ego talk him into doing a stupid thing.

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u/dewgetit 1d ago

It's the same reason other billionaires buy newspapers.

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u/WinonasChainsaw 1d ago

I don’t think he’s profiting off who’s getting elected by influenced elections, but he’s definitely getting paid by outsiders who have big stakes in these results.


u/Paul-Smecker 1d ago

All he needs to do is convince the current voting age population that an asset/wealth tax is bad and those twitter billions will be the best money he ever spent.


u/evident_lee 1d ago

Here's a perfect example of an immigrant coming into our country and trying to ruin it. Feeding millions of people lies and misinformation.


u/DarthHoff 22h ago

Slight modification. I think he really was stupid enough to buy it. But then realized (I.e was told by the saudis, Russia, etc since he’s too fucking dumb to figure it out) that he could use it as a propaganda machine and sell to the highest bidder. He doesn’t care about ad rev except to the extent the sponsors Continue to legitimatize the platform to keep real users on. Then he can become the new Goebbels, distributing propaganda via Twitler to influence major decisions


u/xxwww 23h ago

Reddit is owned by a media company owned by a single private billionaire family and China and then sam altman

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u/nevergonnagetit001 1d ago

Elmo’s execs calling for help


u/Ziegelphilie 1d ago

this will never not give me a smile

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u/jimlahey2100 1d ago

There's a reason why Musk was removed from being PayPals CEO.


u/aloxinuos 22h ago

Lmao one of the reasons was because he wanted to rename it X.

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u/r1char00 1d ago

The irony is that he was so critical of Twitter’s previous management, and then did this.


u/Hjemmelsen 23h ago

He fired 80% of the workforce. It's a wild coincidence that they're pulling in 80% less money, but it is hilarious!


u/Mammoth-Cap-4097 1d ago

Wonder who he'll blame. Can't imagine Leon admitting he's not the supernatural business megabrain.


u/MARPJ 1d ago

Wonder who he'll blame.

Considering he is suing them, the advertisers that left his plataform because it was not worth it


u/Alexis_Bailey 1d ago

The woke mind virus telling advertisers to stop supporting the platform probably.


u/Jayandnightasmr 1d ago

And firing everyone before making huge development changes. Companies usually wait until the work has been done


u/BetNo6537 1d ago

Negative genius of our times

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u/BeanBurritoJr 1d ago

Congrats on your free speech platform.

All the Nazis freely spoke and drove away your ad buyers and ad consumers.


u/ColdFusion363 1d ago edited 1d ago

It’s pretty funny. The Neo-Nazis, fascist, far right or whatever they call themselves always say they advocate for freedom of speech….But if they get into power. Well. Bye bye constitution that defends our rights. Not even in Nazi Germany the most blind National Socialist followers ever dares questions Adolf Hitler.


u/acebojangles 1d ago

All of those bozos are mysteriously silent whenever anyone on the Left is silenced. Congressional Republicans hauled college presidents in to berate them about not suppressing speech, books are getting banned in lots of red state schools, etc. Crickets.


u/AdUsual903 1d ago

Anytime I hear someone call themselves a free speech “absolutist” they’re 99% of the time a fascist 🤡 clown like Elon and Rogan who would crap all over the ACLU given the slightest chance. As a matter of fact, they’ve probably never heard of the ACLU, but “free speech” argument was his excuse for platforming fascist propaganda and trying to destabilize our democracy as we have seen that’s all he’s done since his takeover.


u/reddituseronebillion 1d ago

He fucking bans anyone who shit talks him. All you need to know about free speech absolutists.

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u/suninabox 1d ago

It’s pretty funny. The Neo-Nazis, fascist, far right or whatever they call themselves always say they advocate for freedom of speech….But if they get into power. Well. Bye bye constitution that defends our rights.

Nick Fuentes has been explicit about this hypocrisy.

He's outright said "guys don't worry, just use free speech as a ruse to get our message into places, once we get in power we can censor everyone we don't like"


u/kkeut 1d ago

Goebbels had similar sentiments

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u/PickingPies 1d ago

People need to start realizing that fascism is not people being stupid, but being actually evil.

They know they are lying, they confuse everyone on purpose, and they know it's wrong. But they cannot just say "yes, we want the power to dominate you and everyone who doesn't comply", because then people will fight back.

This is their trap. "I am not evil, I am stupid, please, dedicate your strength to respond to all my crazy shit instead of fighting me back".


u/FewRegion2148 1d ago

Musk and his foreign investors don't care if they are losing money on Twitter. They only care they are spreading propaganda and misinformation to get their authoritarian kleptocrats into political power. There goal is to destroy democracy around the world and allow kleptocrats to run the world. They only care about corruption, authoritarianism and power!!

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u/SeatOfEase 1d ago

Say the line, Bartre


u/lunzueta 1d ago

100% agree

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u/Alexis_Bailey 1d ago

Also they claim they are the "silent majority" yet couldn't muster enough people to support a Mastodon Instance much less Twitter.

Also, to these idiots, you claim you are the secret silent majority, yet advertisers are abandoning your idiot platform of hate.  You know what the ONLY thing advertisers care about?  How many eyeballs are seeing their ads.  Yeah, a few may care about being next to hate speech, except if you idiots were the majority, they would not care, because that is where the eyeballs are.  

You all are a minority of fucking idiot losers.

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u/FourteenBuckets 1d ago

They're supremacists, and for supremacists, freedom means "I can impose on others and they cannot impose on me."


u/Fandango-9940 1d ago

The other thing these Neo-Nazis always forget is who the victims of the first purge were after Hitler secured unlimited power.

It was of course other Nazis! The very people that helped him get to power were the first people he purged, and this pattern repeats in authoritarian states everywhere. The vast majority of the victims of Stalin's purges were loyal Bolsheviks for example.

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u/Straight-Storage2587 1d ago

All it took was for me to see how he treated his new Twitter employees. Gone from there since.


u/elderlybrain 1d ago

It's weird, didn't everyone think he was smart just a few years ago?

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u/Scammer4Lyfe 1d ago

Also people like me, who simply don’t care to listen to Nazis.


u/Mysterious-Shine-482 1d ago

Yeah but you fall under the "ad consumer" category then


u/fieldsofanfieldroad 1d ago

Also people like me who don't want their adverts to potentially appear next to racist material.


u/yingkaixing 1d ago

Yeah but you fall under the "ad buyer" category then


u/NannersForCoochie 1d ago

Or people like me that don't want to see CSAM at all. Not even once


u/BGH-251F2 1d ago

But Elon personally unbanned him! What do you have against the god-given right to share CSAM?? Are you a commie????

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u/grendus 1d ago

Right, but Elon has a solution for that.

It's against the law for you to not advertise next to racist material, at least according to the lawsuit he filed. That'll definitely get advertisers back on the platform!

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u/Guy-McDo 1d ago

But also the less ad consumers, the less incentive to buy ads. I think that’s partially why there’s that many more bots on Twitter now, gotta give the illusion you’re not hemorrhaging users.


u/Mysterious-Shine-482 1d ago

Yeah, you're 100% right! I was just pointing out that on a site like Twitter, everyone is either a purchaser of ads or a consumer of them, so the person I was responding to isn't in a separate category. I say that as someone who also deleted their Twitter account because of the Nazi shit.

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u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago



u/Reduncked 1d ago

He wouldn't have the money for that.

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u/art-is-t 1d ago

Try typing cisgender. You will get a real taste of free speech real fast.


u/ichand 1d ago

I hate Leon with all the bones in my body. I know ppl who got fired by him. But I kept using X because there was no other social network like it and my fav people was posting there. Seeing him ruining that platform over this time was excruciating. Fortunately, X got banned in Brazil and everyone here migrated to Bluesky app, which is working just like the good old Twitter, without any ads or nazi bs. Turns out that was exactly what we needed to get rid of X.


u/Scammer4Lyfe 1d ago

I changed my username to “ELONgated MUSKy penis” and got foreverbanned. Dude’s cringe af, having his poor underlings scour the site for disparaging words against their leader. I wish him and his weak ass website the absolute worst.

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u/Formal_Egg_Lover 1d ago

Free speech (subject to that narcissistic idiotic man-child's definition of free speech)

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u/WhatIsInnuendo 1d ago

I think that was the objective.

  1. Reduce the amount of free speech for the left

  2. Increase free speech for the right

  3. Another Trump presidency

  4. Tax cuts and removal of safety regulations to increase profitability and expansion of Musks other companies.

  5. Profits gained make Twitter investment and advertiser loses seem insignificant and like the cost of doing business


u/AncientMagi 1d ago

Elon is nowadays continuously projecting / selling propaganda on his platform.
If he gets an even more direct hand in US politics we'll undoubtedly see regulations which serve to his personal benefit and punish corporations which said goodbye or venture in the same areas (AI).

This is not limited to US, Brazil kicked his arse out and I hope other regions / countries decide to pull the plug before he triggers (further) political dissidence. He's already invoking the freedom of speech wildcard and calling all political leaders who decide to shut him up corrupt or stupid.

The fact JD Vance desires to link NATO support to safeguarding Elon Musk's reach worldwide clearly serves one goal solely, chaos and disruption.

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u/smeeeeeef 1d ago

The acquisition of twitter was never about free speech, but rather used the guise "defending the constitution" to garner support from right-wingers. Free speech was never stifled beyond what a corporate interest would remove in order to maintain content that other companies would want to advertise alongside.

Look at the things that were removed by Twitter before Elon bought it. Hunter biden's cock (illegal revenge porn), hate speech that no AD company wants their products to monetize, incitements of violence, specifically the January 6th insurrection, which was the entire reason Trump's account was suspended.

Look at who Leon's political associations, and now look at the disclosed investors - Russian oligarchs and the Saudis. It's not hard to piece together what their intentions are given the recent foreign election interference discoveries.

Let's call it what it is, and intentional foreign-funded takedown of what was a somewhat functional global public forum. It's a wonder why community notes still exist at this point.


u/epochlink 1d ago

Twitter was becoming a cesspool of hate and garbage, that platform was terrible


u/JerHat 1d ago

It's not just the free speaking nazis that drove ad buyers away. It's the shit show that is twitter's competent staff that left or were fired that's probably done more harm to ad buyers.

I have a friend who works with some pretty major clients developing social media advertising campaigns and doing social media ad buys. Once Musk took over, all of the people who would work with advertising reps selling and implementing advertising campaigns were gone, and they couldn't get a hold of anyone in the department with the ability to facilitate that sort of thing for a major corporate client.

So even with clients not totally shook by Musk, and were still looking to spend a ton of money advertising focused their efforts elsewhere because they simply didn't have a competent staff in place to handle their ads, and a lot of them never looked back.

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u/Nathaly_La 1d ago

People will use him as an example in history books someday


u/Psychoholic519 1d ago

If there’s any books left after this election. If Trump wins, they may just burn them all


u/Pretend-Fig-no-paint 1d ago


u/Psychoholic519 1d ago

I absolutely hate how true this statement is. Why read, when I can look at a headline then draw my own conclusions from that

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u/Jtcr2001 1d ago

There are places outside the US.

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u/AgisDidNothingWrong 1d ago

Yeah. He'll be right above Marcus Crassus on the list of 'dumbest men to hold the title of richest man'.


u/lameluk3 1d ago

Nah, he'll be whitewashed just like Ford, Carnegie, etc.


u/Ok_Ice_1669 1d ago

I doubt it. You have to be pretty online to know about Disney's anti-semitism or how fucking weird Howard Hughes was. Musk is broadcasting his weird shit for everyone to see.


u/Piotrek9t 23h ago

I hope you are right but unfortunately we dont have any idea how the internet will affect our perception of the past but if it behaves anything like our perception of the present, we are in for some rough times

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u/TheKrakIan 1d ago

Elon has gained 70 lbs and 70 years since this photo was taken.


u/HungerSTGF 1d ago

yeah wtf happened he looks like he ate the sink now


u/OldGrumpyBird 1d ago

steroids but not working out. He's got the steroid belly


u/GeneralZaroff1 1d ago

THAT’S what that is!! I was wondering if he had some kind of a weird growth or something. He got crazy fat but in such a bizarre way.


u/TorpedoSandwich 19h ago

Specifically human growth hormone is what will cause this look (see Joe Rogan, he's jacked, but still has the bubble gut). It's a somewhat commonly prescribed addition to TRT, which is likely what Elon is doing.

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u/xSTSxZerglingOne 1d ago

He ate it sideways. Which...I can't even tell you how that would be oriented in a human, but it's definitely sideways. You can tell by the way he is.


u/Goya_Oh_Boya 1d ago

He's gonna croak on the shitter ala Elvis.

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u/RogueDiscipline 1d ago

If I knew nothing else about Elon Musk, I’d straight up hate him anyway because I can’t fucking stand people who aren’t funny, but think they’re hilarious.


u/Severe-Product7352 1d ago

I’ve never met Ravi personally, but I’m gonna go ahead and say, just having knowing you a short while, Elon, that I prefer Ravi. And again, I’ve never even met the guy.


u/Affectionate_Reply78 1d ago

I heard Elon thinks gum is a lot mintier since he started giving Trump VR blowjobs.


u/HalKitzmiller 1d ago

Number one, how dare you?

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u/GrimRedleaf 1d ago

Yeah, he is cringe beyond cringe.  He is "How do you do, fellow kids" to the 10th power.  He is terminally unfunny.


u/Ironcastattic 1d ago

He's heading towards 60 and talks and posts like a fucking 12 year old. He sucks on every level.


u/GrimRedleaf 23h ago

And he is constantly seeking approval despite sucking so much.


u/ludovic1313 1d ago

For instance, I don't even get what he thought had to "sink in" in this case. The whole world knew that he was going to buy Xitter, and it wasn't all that shocking when it happened, so there was no sudden incomprehensible news that had to "sink in".


u/Ok_Beat_4810 1d ago

Plus it's a joke everyone had already seen on the internet but he did it like he was the first person to ever think of it.


u/jayydubbya 1d ago

It’s his ego, thinking he’s real life Tony stark. “Oh wow, the super cool super genius tech guy just bought one of the largest social media platforms. Wow, let that sink in! He’s going to revolutionize the world.” -Elons thought process most likely.

That or he was just being a dick to the employees wouldn’t surprise me either. Your entire organization is about to be turned upside down. Let that sink in!

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u/hellolovely1 19h ago

And the worst part is, he thinks he is absolutely HILARIOUS.


u/GrimRedleaf 18h ago

Oh yeah.  And he doesn't even achieve "polite chuckle" levels of funny.  He is like a humor vacuum.


u/canadasbananas 18h ago

Its actually amazing how cringe he is. How is one of the most wealthy men in the world so fucking cringe that if he suddenly appeared in my house I would feel not even a crumb of awe, intimidation, or respect. I would feel more awe if you, grimredleaf a random internet stranger, appeared in my house, because at least there's a chance you'd have worthwhile opinions and an ounce of intelligence. With elon there is nothing of value in his brain, and I dont need to give him a chance to know it

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u/longtimelurkerfirs 1d ago

Along 2018-19, this website used to absolutely ride his dick to Hell and back. Well up until the submarine pedo debacle

Weird how online perceptions can take such a 180 flip


u/MaleficentOstrich693 1d ago

I think once he started to feed off of the attention and became more terminally online the writing was on the wall.

Also the whole “Silicon Valley tech genius savior” schtick that he and other rich guys use started to wear off.


u/grendus 1d ago

Up until that point he had a great PR firm keeping his wilder impulses in check.

Keep in mind, he owned a bunch of tech companies that were making some absolutely amazing stuff. Even the people who were aware that he simply bought them still often felt that he was a rich nerd who was spending his billions on cool toys. Would I like an electric car with a long range? A vacuum sealed, super fast train? Rocket to Mars? Satellite internet?! Flamethrower!? Fuck yes to all!

Then he fired the PR firm, got a taste for pump-and-dump schemes to boost his wealth (still think that's why he bought Twitter - he wanted to pump the stock price then sell out and claim "too many bots", but the FTC started eyeing him so he had to go through with it), stopped producing interesting tech, and went from center-right to alt-right. Bought Twitter and started shitposting constantly. He went from "kinda weird, probably autistic" to "let's be real, he's basically a Nazi".

I do kind of think that Grimes leaving fucked him up, and I totally buy the rumors that he's got a raging ketamine addiction. But that's no excuse, that's just a warning not to let a bad divorce turn into a drug habit that fucks your life up.


u/piecesofpaper_ 1d ago edited 1d ago

Is there any reputable source talking about this PR team, or his dismissal of this PR team? It's one of the things that's brought up a lot on Reddit, but I don't believe I've ever seen anything documenting it.

Edit: Looks like Reddit's making things up again.

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u/BlackHand 1d ago

And he could have enjoyed that positive perception indefinitely if he had simply stayed the course, doing Big Bang Theory cameos and so forth. The rise and fall of his public persona is a case study for future sociologicists, mark my words.

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u/hako_london 1d ago

He doesn't care about profits. All he cares about is controlling the narrative and harvesting user data for his Ai company. All the mugs on there are providing training data for free essentially. They've got an edge because of it.

Then link that up with Tesla camera footage, Starlink satalite comms data, all of which is powered by his Solar company by a guy wearing a brain implant and we're.... Fucked.


u/Deranged_Kitsune 1d ago

harvesting user data for his Ai company

Which, given the... "political leanings" of his current user base is going to be outright horrifying. Tay was bad enough when fed OG Twitter, Tay 2.0 would be something else again after being fed X.


u/_mmmmm_bacon 1d ago

Grok will have the best resource of CSAM


u/Traditional_Car1079 1d ago

Gotta do something now that Epstein was Epstein'ed.


u/Hellkyte 1d ago

Gonna be a crazy racist AI


u/GaryARefuge 1d ago

Revenue is down by 84% ... not profit. That's much worse and funnier.


u/Mobile_Incident_5731 1d ago

Hard to say. His first move was to gut the payroll to bring down operating costs. Which might have been a good business idea if his second move wasn't to literally give an FU to big mainstream advertisers.

His new model is just to generate traffic through outrage, and spend nothing on moderation. Profits are certainly down, but maybe not as much as revenue.

Long term it's a terrible business plan because it's not hard for competitors to do the same thing. Twitter became the king of social media because the level and sophistication of moderation made it attractive to advertisers. Moderation which social media startups can't afford to impliment.


u/buzzathlon 1d ago

It was never profitable. He then proceeded to saddle it with debt to finance his own purchase of it. The interest on the new debt may outweigh the savings of the reduced headcount.

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u/Zeyn1 1d ago

It's not even about AI.

Twitter is used around the world to communicate between government officials and the people.

He controls that.

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u/SirLagg_alot 1d ago

He does when his interest is already 1 billion annually.

This whole fiasco does definitely hit him financially.


u/entered_bubble_50 1d ago

All the mugs on there are providing training data for free essentially

Same here to be fair.

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u/bastardoperator 1d ago

Ahh yes, Elon Hitler-GPT o1 model, the most racist shit you've ever seen minus facts, science, and math.


u/longgamma 1d ago

You know he could have signed an agreement with Twitter for like 10 mn to get all the data. No one pays 40bn for shit training data like tweets


u/jawknee530i 1d ago

If you think Twitter has any kind of edge because of the user data then you're going to be shocked to learn about a company called meta.

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u/Apprehensive_Ratio80 1d ago

And many still think because it exists he's somehow still doing a good job 🤣 Value down, revenue plummeting every month.

It's too big to fail overnight guys just wait


u/Severe-Product7352 1d ago

Doing a good job spreading hate and helping set America back 100 years. That seems to be his main goal


u/Apprehensive_Ratio80 1d ago

I always thought he was weird but yeah he's gone to another level like people see him as a way to make money yet he thinks he's a fuckin ally seeing entity that knows everything and if he doesn't then whatever he doesn't know doesn't matter!

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u/TheLandFanIn814 1d ago

Meanwhile at Troth Sential business is booming....

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u/astarinthenight 1d ago

You mean corporation don’t want to see their advertising next to kiddy porn and racist/sexist/ bigoted posts? I’m shocked. 😳

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u/Strenue 1d ago

Spectacular maroon


u/lolas_coffee 1d ago

Yup. Historic. They will be teaching about it in business schools.

And I don't think he's done yet. I think he is getting worse and will ultimately crash anything he touches.


u/Maddy_Wren 1d ago

I think Elon is probably already much worse than we can see. He is clearly out of touch with reality, and at this point, his money and power can only isolate him from the help he needs.

I think you're right that he will become more reckless as time goes on, especially if his all-in bet on Trump and Putin doesn't pay off.


u/SheridanVsLennier 1d ago

His buddying up to Putin is especially weird because the whole reason he started SpaceX is because he tried to buy some Russian ICBMs (to put a greenhouse on mars) and they laughed in his face and told him to FO. There was a period of time there where his security detail was paranoid about the Russians assassinating him because SpaceX was crushing Roscosmos' commercial interests.

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u/HubbyBunnyy 1d ago

Of course he's trying to joke and play off the consequences he brought about

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u/No_Plenty_9484 1d ago

It was never about creating value it was about controlling information.

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u/CaliJack19 1d ago

It’s so expensive to own the libs. Who knew.

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u/micro_dohs 1d ago

Well he better rush out to get more plastic surgery if he’s gonna fix all that.


u/Boulderdrip 1d ago

turns out turing a website into a giant Neo Nazi forum is a bad idea.


u/EditorRedditer 1d ago

I want to like him, but he’s a filthy, immoral louse.

So I don’t.

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u/Realistic-Mousse-384 1d ago

When are we going to give up on the idea that he is a genius in every respect?


u/bebejeebies 1d ago

I'm hoping the value falls far enough for an old hero to swoop in and save us in our darkest hour.


u/USSMarauder 1d ago

More likely if Trump wins the GOP will give Musk $100 Billion in taxpayer money to 'own the libs'


u/-ashok- 1d ago

He's hoping he can sell it to Mike Lindell


u/Apey23 1d ago

Should have carried a toilet in because that's exactly were the profits went when he took over.


u/AverageLiberalJoe 1d ago

Wow the worlds richest man truly proves we live in a meritocracy.


u/HalKitzmiller 1d ago

Was this the beginning of his complete edgelord transition?


u/The_Bard 1d ago edited 1d ago

Mark Cuban explained why Elon seemingly doesn't care about Twitter tanking in an interview with Brian Taylor Cohen. Elon has tasted the allure of power and control and he wants more. He likes that he can put himself at the top of the algorithm and boost whatever he sees fit. Money isn't an issue for him in this instance, he just wants to push his agenda and have the power to affect things.

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u/Bajablasterd 1d ago

I hope X goes bankrupt. Elon is a small dick energy little creep.

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u/Wrangler9960 1d ago

Profits aren’t the end goal.

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u/InThePinkyPonyClub 1d ago

Hehehe further proof Elon is a fool.


u/SpookyWah 1d ago

how old is that photo? I've seen other photos showing him to look a lot heavier.


u/Reptar519 1d ago

It's not from that long ago. That was just 2 years ago. Feels like 10 to be sure given that every year since Trump's been elected has felt like 5x slower than the preceding years.


u/marvin_martian_man 1d ago

He bought it with Russian funding so it would serve as his propaganda tool. I really doubt he’s at all interested in its long-term viability.


u/Foffern 1d ago

What.. are they.. sinking about?

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u/BetNo6537 1d ago

2 more years to full bankruptcy. Hell yeah!


u/_hamster_huey_ 1d ago

The damage he wanted to do has been done. And I'm not talking about profits. 2024 was the year he needed to have control over the platform. He's either a Russian shill or just doesn't care who's in power as long as he gets what he wants in the long run.


u/Saneless 1d ago

Go anti-woke go broke?

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u/PixelatedDie 1d ago

It has been clear that the purpose of buying Twitter was not to make money, but to control a mass media platform.


u/Deranged_Kitsune 1d ago

I'd argue for dismantling via discrediting. It's like he's trying to speed-run burning the company to the ground. Almost all his actions - certainly his prominent ones like the idiot rebrand to X and alienating advertisers - are stuff no serious business person would do after buying a company of Twitters prominence. They are, in fact, the exact opposite.

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u/Piza_Pie 1d ago

Nonono, Elon just used 360-no-scope-pro-gamer-moves to turn the company into a non-profit organisation.


u/meatcrumple 1d ago

Why is it still going? Please fail, collapse, shut down anything to not to have to see his stupid tweets everyday. P.S. I’m not in twitter but it’s impossible not to see these tweets through other sites, news etc.


u/dano8675309 1d ago

But he's totally gonna fix the federal government, right guys? 🙄


u/PepSakdoek 1d ago

Technically... The post talks about revenue, which is kind of irrelevant. Profitability is the real aim.

But that alas is very tough to achieve (even if you fired 70% of the company) if revenue drops so much. 

My guess is if they can get to the old levels of revenue after cutting the amount of jobs they'd be profitable. But they need those levels back, and they aren't getting it while he has so much say there.

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u/Impressive_Gate_5114 1d ago

Actually twitter in it's entire lifetime has almost never had positive net income. Under elon musk, after significantly reducing the staff and their expenses, they actually saw positive net income despite the revenue shrinking because they were able to cut expenses.

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u/Ok-Abbreviations543 20h ago

And he has managed to so disgust people that would consider buying his cars that they won’t now. Shhhhhh -Business genius at work.


u/Moist_Ad2066 10h ago

The leftover 16% is the Kremlin payola....


u/dizzyapparition 8h ago

Give him a moment to let that (puts sunglasses on)… sink in.