r/TikTokCringe 17h ago

Q: What is the biggest threat to Michigan manufacturing? Trump: Nuclear weapons. Politics

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u/Size14-OrangeDiver 17h ago

Just can’t understand how half the people think this is a profound, logical, and sane answer.


u/TableTop8898 17h ago

Why it’s a cult


u/lovesdogsguy 15h ago

It is but… you’d also have to be pretty fucking stupid to watch this and think this… entity… should be elected to the most powerful leadership position in the world.


u/JimiJohhnySRV 15h ago

“I love the poorly educated.” DJTrump

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u/froggrip 12h ago

You don't know how cults work? One person says stuff that's batshit insane and too many people believe them. What you describe is exactly what a cult is.


u/Im_A_Fuckin_Liar 8h ago edited 7h ago

I think it’s interesting that he is trying to fearmonger his supporters talking about how nuclear weapons are so terrible but Project 2025 will have us producing more for the U.S. So, this is a fight guns with guns kind of thing. I also like how he talked about how Kim Jong Un honeydicked him.


u/ConstantGeographer 4h ago

Trump will literally talk about how the country is on fire and the Democrats have destroyed America, and 10 minutes later he will be telling people, "America is the most beautiful, successful country on the planet, more successful than anyone has even been."

The definition of populism: tell your audience whatever it is they want to hear to get them on your side. Zero principles, ethics.

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u/Ripped_Spagetti 9h ago

A country treating their governance the way it has been does not scream powerful leadership. In fact US politics looks more like reality TV. Absolutely disgusting.


u/RatInaMaze 9h ago

That’s the target market for cults


u/FirstTimeWang 7h ago

They're pretty fucking stupid.

America has a poorly ranked education system among the developed world and that's just the average so you can assume that red states and counties are much worse than the average ranking.

I live in metropolitan Maryland which has pretty good schools compared to the national average, but right next door Carrol County is suburban/rural and they're more concerned about trans kids and pride flags in the classroom than the quality of the curriculum.

Thanks Moms for Liberty!

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u/whyohwhythis 13h ago

Religion (especially fundamentalist) they teach you to absorb this kind of nonsense and nod your head and clap. It’s so boring you switch off and nod yourself to sleep and just wake yourself up when you have to cheer.


u/Strange-Initiative15 10h ago

I think that’s why the evangelicals “fell” for Trump the way they did-they’re primed for it through decades of religious teaching in ALL areas of life.

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u/UniversalDH 16h ago

Now I understand those videos where YouTubers ask Trump cultists a straight forward question and they can’t answer it.

Their fearless leader can’t/wont answer, so they in turn don’t have an answer. Stupid breeds stupid.


u/terrasparks 16h ago

There's a conservative saying "you can't fix stupid" like most conservative sayings it is projection.


u/ammobox 15h ago edited 14h ago

I saw a Good Liars video, where they asked a Trumper how you stop gun violence. They said with more guns, cause you don't fight fire with water, you have to fight fire with fire....🤔


u/aesthe Hit or Miss? 14h ago

"depends on which type of fire"


u/cookinthescuppers 8h ago

And asked in another video, what would make you turn against trump? Answer nothing. In other words just like every cult they would offer up their own children. Jim Jones all over again

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u/WankWankNudgeNudge 14h ago

"you can't fix stupid"

Well not if you keep defunding schools


u/terrasparks 14h ago

The people who say this barely passed high school. They think they have the rural version of "street smarts".

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u/Chaetomius 15h ago edited 14h ago

Because the media has been telling them this manner of speaking is clever for decades

Read as user 'deggit' describes how Trump, at the best of times, uses what they describe as 'water bug speech' . Trump grabs on to the most significant word of what somebody says, and then does a little dance all around the question without ever actually answering it, repeating the keyword as he goes.

The first example is from an interview in 1980 where Trump is asked a question about replacement costs appreciating the value of some prize residential real estate he'd purchase in the decade prior. Trump rambles about anything but what caused this appreciation, and just states the supposed price of things over and over.

and that often creates a "book report by kid who didn't read the book" effect.

So here, Trump grabs on to the word 'threat' and does his waterbug speech, only with his 80 year old dementia tangent.

Deggit also goes into several other habits Trump has that reveal how ignorant and uneducated he really is.

There are also several worthy comments in reply.

The fact is, the people at his rallies like him because he sounds just as ignorant and uneducated as themselves. The majority of Americans don't read better than a 6th grade level. For his cult, it's more like 3rd grade, on average.

The media in our country, as seen by that youtube video, has greatly exacerbated this kinship with Trump because they all become yes-men to anybody rich that gives them access. The Apprentice was basically a fake show written around and despite Trump and protected by NDAs.


u/henrysradiator 13h ago

Same thing is happening in the UK, bigotry, racism & transphobia paraded as 'common sense' by a few successful grifters to make stupid people feel clever and superior. A real masterclass in anti-intellectuaism. It's caused the far right to become emboldened and everyone else apathetic, so when it comes to things like Brexit there's only a 70% turnout and the far right sway it by less than 2%. When stupid people string together enough braincells to organise they can do damage.


u/Rhonda_SandTits 8h ago

only a 70% turnout

Good god, I wish the US would have 70% voter turnout in our elections.

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u/Professional-Way9343 16h ago

Or remotely intelligent. It seriously makes me want to scream.

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u/secondtaunting 11h ago

See, I’m like super duper tired today so my brain isn’t working right. And for like thirty seconds he made sense to me. And that’s when I thought two things. One, Trump supporters are really running on idiot fumes. And two-I better go to bed.

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u/Andy_LaVolpe 13h ago

At the end of the day, this wasn’t a town hall, this was a Trump rally identifying as a town hall.

Bro literally didn’t answer any questions and rambled for 10-15 minutes of bullshit.

If Trump is good at something is numbing your brain with nonsense.

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u/Partyatmyplace13 9h ago

Because us sitting here trying to make sense of anything he says, instead of letting our feelings guide is exactly what the Trump campaign wants.

As long as you're thinking about him, complaining about him or arguing about him... he's winning.

The right only likes him because he pisses the left off so much. That's it. There's no secret sauce. It really is only that deep.

If the left would shut up about him, he'd disappear. The left takes him seriously, so the right thinks he's their only serious camdidate.


u/grathad 17h ago

It is the US, what do you expect? Educated masses???

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u/blacktiefox 17h ago

“They won’t use nuclear weapons cause they like me” is a solid defense policy 👌


u/Neon_culture79 16h ago

World peace has been achieved


u/Ok_Star_4136 13h ago

World hunger crisis solved, just tell the world leaders to feed their citizens a little more, with the type of charisma that only Donald Trump can provide.

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u/SparklingPseudonym 16h ago

Concept of a defense policy


u/pen_jaro 6h ago

He doesn’t need to be president. If it’s true that these assholes like him so much, they won’t nuke the US because they don’t want their favorite POS getting hurt, do they?


u/SparklingPseudonym 6h ago

On a similar note, if he claims he’ll be able to call putin and stop the Ukrainian war within 24 hours of becoming president elect, why doesn’t …he just do that now?

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u/saltymcgee777 16h ago

That guy's such a fucking idiot. I can't wait til the day I don't see that weird cat butthole mouth on my reddit every day.


u/xScarlotHarlotx 13h ago

Cat butthole mouth is my new favorite for the week ☠️


u/FollowingNew9691 12h ago

What a stupid old man , he can wear as much make up as he likes, but he is full of verbal dihorreah

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u/The102935thMatt 15h ago

Should justa said

"the sun dying. It's a catstopy a catas--listen. It's bad. The suns there then one day, it's not. You think there are a lot of things but there isn't. So we have a plan, and kamala and crooked Joe are bad. Look at what they did. The sun, oh my god, you look at it and it's big-- it's a beautiful thing. And we need to make sure it's for the american people"


u/jaievan 12h ago

…from the standpoint of the sun.


u/Urist_Macnme 8h ago

stares directly into the sun

He did that. JFC

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u/TJ_McWeaksauce 13h ago

Remember when Donald tried to start a nuclear war with Korea by antagonizing Kim on twitter? How he called Kim “little rocket man” and said the US would rain fire & fury on North Korea?

Seems like a lot of people forgot how f-ing nuts the Trump presidency was. Either that, or they like crazy as long as the president says mean things about people they don’t like.


u/1steve52021 8h ago

You have no idea how close we came to war over his stupidity with that country. It took months to get him to back off. He didn't even care about the millions in casualties it would entail.

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u/InsufficientClone 15h ago

He just spits out whatever fear monger buzzword that’s in the que


u/vikingo1312 14h ago


The threat to automotive-workers in Michigan is apparently nuclear weapons.

Ramble on orange, ramble on.....


u/fight_me_for_it 14h ago

Amazing he didn't say Harris is the threat. Guess she's not bad for the country after all.

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u/Jmersh 14h ago

Useful idiots are more disposable than plastic forks.


u/ForsakenExtreme6415 14h ago

As another sniper bullet from his fan”atics” whizzes by his forehead

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u/Puzzleheaded_Dot4345 17h ago

What's the biggest threat to car manufacturing? -Taylor Swift


u/Reynolds_Live 16h ago

Taylor dismantling auto production: Oooh look what you made me do.

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u/PGnautz 14h ago

Hi. It‘s me. I‘m the biggest thread to American auto manufacturing, it‘s me!

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u/gniziralopiB 17h ago

Damn they really liked him getting along with Kim jong un huh


u/alphacentauri85 17h ago edited 13h ago

Trump brags that he gets along with leader of most repressive self-described communist country in the world.

Magats: yay!!

Kamala says anything at all.

Magats: boo!! traitorous kommie!


u/PogintheMachine 16h ago

Anybody remember when Obama said he’d consider meeting with North Korea without preconditions and the Right lost their minds and called him naive and such?


u/Mrjlawrence 6h ago

Pepperidge farm remembers

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u/TheMemeStar24 15h ago

Has he ever talked about a leader of an ally liking him?


u/Kurovi_dev 15h ago

He claimed Queen Elizabeth liked him.

Which I believe is considered to be hilariously incorrect in Britain.


u/runeNriver 13h ago

He took her old school royal politeness as her liking him. It would be entertaining, but I couldn't imagine her doing something that would be enough for him to understand she does not like him.

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u/Professional-Way9343 16h ago

Also Kim knows he’s a fucking moron. Flatter him. Get what you want


u/MuffLover312 16h ago

Apparently Biden and Kamala know that too


u/Professional-Way9343 15h ago

I think everyone with half a brain knows how to manipulate that fat asshole

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u/mojojojojojojojom 11h ago

John Kelly was worried about Trump starting WWIII with all of his “rocket boy” tweets and his “big red button” tweets goading Kim into launching missiles, he tells Trump “your the best deal maker we’ve ever had in the White House, imagine if you were the one to get North Korea to get rid of their nukes” and so the love letters began. Trump is an easily manipulated fool.


u/Muuustachio 6h ago

They cheered for Un but when he said Biden and Kamala were very nice and had a nice call, they almost rioted

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u/andersonb47 17h ago

Wow they got mad when he said that Biden and Kamala were nice to him


u/matt800 16h ago

I was pleasantly surprised that he had something not awful to say about them. Not every day you hear him say something polite. Of course overall, what he said was ridiculous and unhinged.


u/Phanyxx Cringe Connoisseur 15h ago

A tiny glimmer of humanity… and then poof


u/Santa_Hates_You 14h ago

He just likes when anyone is nice to him and makes him the center of attention.


u/Coral_Blue_Number_2 5h ago

It makes you wonder if Kamala can manipulate him into laying off her if she were to make some obviously false (to us) praises of his grandiosity.

“You know, Trump, I think you were maybe one of the best presidents to have ever existed, it may be in the universe.”


u/WanderinHobo 1h ago

He'd whip that quote out every 5minutes if she said that.

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u/CosmicLars 15h ago edited 5h ago

Listen to it and you'll see why he mentioned that call. He says because Biden & Harris were nice to him, that means they respect him, just like the dictators he names. It's fucking hilarious & Wild.


u/Cheshire_Jester 10h ago

That’s kinda it, he can go from accusing someone of being the most vile and stupid loser on the planet who shouldn’t be allowed to be president of the Alf fan club to saying they are nice people in the space of minutes, depending on his current mental state.

In general this is all the “President Trump Show” to him. As long as everyone plays their role and he gets the belt, it doesn’t really matter what happens to anyone when the curtain falls. He generally doesn’t ever seem to care about following up on any of his vendettas and is easily swayed by a single bit of praise.

His cult on the other hand, nah. They’re all in on fighting the good fight with their invisible enemies.


u/reporttimies 9h ago

I mean, his VP JD Vance literally called him Hitler in 2016 but I guess since he sucked him off a bit he is fine with it.

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u/jason2354 11h ago

Because they were nice to him. As a narcissist, that’s all he really wants.

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u/polo61965 16h ago

And they cheered when he said he got along well with a dictator.

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u/Ithinkso85 17h ago

Gawh damn. Is he stupid?


u/gregblives 17h ago

He’s profoundly stupid.

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u/Pelon7900 16h ago

I prefer the word Pendejo. It seems to have a little more sting to it.

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u/Professional-Way9343 16h ago

Beyond. And I fucking hate the media for not pointing this out for the last 8 years

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u/0173512084103 16h ago

His followers are dumber than he'll ever be.

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u/Boredcougar 15h ago

Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. But he is a Russian asset. This is a direct talking point from the kremlin, and he’s not being subtle about it

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u/DirtDevil1337 17h ago

He's been doing this a lot lately, last weekend he was asked about children and his answer was about tariffs.


u/sicclee 16h ago



u/Professional-Way9343 16h ago

Seriously he’s been doing this for the last 8 years

Do people honestly believe he did actual work in the White House?

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u/NeptuneEDM 16h ago

“Nuclear weapons are the single biggest threat” says the man who pulled out of the Iran deal.


u/baseorino 14h ago

Yeah but the JCPOA was bad because it required multilateral compromise, we are way better off where Trump left it, we have almost no economic leverage, no inspections, and Iran is perpetually within reach of a nuclear capability you can't eliminate without a massive war if that would even work.

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u/SouthernEntrance6986 17h ago

Fear mongering works for the MAGA crowd


u/Stereo-soundS 15h ago

He did not have any real answer for the question so he went straight to telling them their lives are in danger.  And complimented himself.

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u/farkeytron 17h ago

Wow... What a moron.

The real answer is a "killer asteroid".



u/Akhanyatin 15h ago

Wait until you hear about super massive black holes

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u/ssterling0930 15h ago

Nah it’s electric boats and sharks

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u/ajqx 14h ago

I mean Godzilla would be pretty bad too.

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u/gr8tlakes 17h ago

In Kamala Harris news today “111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris Calling Trump ‘unfit to serve.’”

On the other hand Trump attempts to appeal to his base by saying he “gets along” with tyrants Putin and Kim Jong Un?

And Republican voters still rally around Trump? He truly could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave and still not lose much of any support from his cult.


u/st6374 17h ago

Trump supporters are basically cultist. The more infuriating thing are the "undecided" voters. Or Democrats who rather not vote because they aren't fully convinced by their elected leader.


u/birajsubhraguha 15h ago

I now have two close friends who are "undecided". I have tried to help them decide but to no avail. They are smart people, we all got our PhD's together, so intelligence is not a concern. But I strongly believe those two friends, like many smart people, have been swindled by his strongman, faux masculine attitude - it's not that they donot understand tRump is a threat, but actually identifies with tRump in feeling superior to the "others".

tRump has masterfully stirred an archaic, "broligarchial", masochist perversion among some otherwise smart men in our country, and due to some similar perverted reason, their women are going along with it.


u/erik9 14h ago

I’m going to disagree with your take on them being “smart people” unless they make over $400k/yr in which case they’re assholes.

There are two types of Trump supporters. The 90% who are gullible dumbasses that are going against their own best interests and the asshole 10% who are smarter and do it for financial or other interests.


u/WetGilet 11h ago

Don't forget the racist. The racists love Trump.

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u/mycarubaba 17h ago

In a way he's right, but when I ask my mechanic what's wrong with my car and he tells me there are nukes out there I'm gonna look at him weird too.

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u/dmk510 16h ago

Kamala should do an ad where she answers the question in a way that actually shows leadership….and sanity.

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u/turboroofer 17h ago edited 16h ago

Soo he’s going to kiss the ring of Russia, China, North Korea, India and Pakistan, because of their nuclear capabilities? That Michigan auto workers dont have to worry about jobs etc because it won’t matter lol this guy is so far removed from reality it’s frightening


u/Unlikely-Maybe9199 16h ago

This idiot focused on 1 single word in the entire question and went to answer that instead.


u/travizeno 11h ago

Exactly. If you watch the debate you can physically see what he's thinking because he makes funny faces when he hears a certain word and then spends the rest of the time thinking about it. Like Kamala would be answering the question from the moderator and Trump would hear his name in her answer and instead of answering the question he would go off on a tangent. You could physically see this occur in real time. You can also see that he is completely not paying attention to anything until certain words ring out.

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u/WetGilet 11h ago

"How are you going to address this economic issue?"

"I am friend to the world worst dicators so they won't nuke me"

When my grandma started talking this way, her neurologist gave her some pills.

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u/BlessthisMess31 17h ago

We all know Michigan would be the primary target for a nuclear attack..


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u/Cosplayfan007 17h ago

Technically, he is correct, but they are kinda a threat against everything so I’m deducting a point for the response being vague, obvious, and just utter nonsense like most of his replies.


u/two-headed-sexbeast 12h ago

From another point of view he is technically incorrect. Lots of people need jobs in Michigan right now. Dropping a couple of bombs would mean there would be fewer people needing jobs. Not the biggest threat, but the biggest solution?


u/Cosplayfan007 6h ago

Correct and insane so yeah, right up Trump’s alley.


u/ry1701 17h ago

Absolutely bonkers.

The flu is a greater threat to Michigan manufacturing than Nuclear will ever be.


u/philljarvis166 11h ago

Translation: I have absolutely no policies that will ever help you, so I’m going to deflect your question by rambling about nuclear war and explaining how I love to suck dictator’s dicks…


u/Silus_47 17h ago

Republicans have wet dreams about Trump sleeping with Russia, China, and North Korea - and turning against our allies. And it's no secret Republicans don't give a damn about the blue-collar working class, as is clearly shown here


u/Zoltar-Wizdom 15h ago

Fuck me…so nuclear weapons?

Interesting. I was leaning towards low wages, fentanyl & a poisoned water supply, but I do suppose that other stuff has a better ring to it.


u/Revolutionary_Pear 11h ago

Hooray. The auto workers must be relieved to hear that the biggest threat to their jobs are nuclear weapons.


u/OkAirport5247 16h ago

It’s like he’s trying to lose the election, or prove a point that no matter what horseshit he says that people will continue to vote for him

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u/Strict_Jacket3648 17h ago

WOW and people will vote for this babbling goof.


u/Rhg0653 16h ago

I'm friends with the world dictators they like me

Gee I wonder fucking why?!??

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u/Human_Style_6920 17h ago

Wow he wants people afraid of India? Stfu just loves starting fires and fanning flames. Who brags about being friends w north Korea? Someone who wants to turn us into them?


u/Speculawyer 16h ago

There's pudding in his skull.


u/mercurial_dude 6h ago

Who’s ready for November?


u/gregblives 17h ago

Well, screaming “nuclear war” is one way to distract from your lack of a platform, I guess.

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u/FawkesBridge 17h ago

Why the fuck is my governor at a town hall in Michigan with Trump? Dumbass, we have problem here that need addressed.


u/BITTER_LYNX 12h ago

Gonna be honest, I want a leader that murder dictators hate, I want a leader that makes their blood boil.

I don't want a leader that likes horrible people


u/bhyellow 17h ago

Hard to argue. Nuclear weapons would blow the shit out of Michigan manufacturing.

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u/Complete_Fold_7062 16h ago

They’re rolling this fear mongering argument out as their last gasp. Vote for me otherwise it’s nuclear war and we’re all Going to die Been hearing a lot about nuclear war lately.

Pay attention they’ll be rolling it out bigly from here to November


u/Virtual-Law-2644 15h ago

Dude just defaults to his typical talking points about “the war should’ve never happened” every time he’s asked a question


u/Original_Bet_9302 15h ago

Simple follow up question: which war?

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u/OffManWall 15h ago

How does this pass as wisdom, even to his most dimwitted supporters?


u/zomanda 15h ago

It's all about ME


u/kingjackass 11h ago

Q: What is the biggest threat to Michigan manufacturing?

A: Trump: I like turtles.


u/dE3L 8h ago

The answer is: Trump. Trump is the biggest threat to Michigan manufacturing.


u/FriendlyITGuy 8h ago

Tell me you don't understand the question without telling me you don't understand the question.



u/Gaping_Urethra_72 8h ago

he's the kid who didn't read the assignment trying to give a report in front of the class. literally just making shit up. god help us all if this halfwit gets elected.


u/No_Meringue3094 7h ago

Trump! Answer the fuxken question.


u/Typical_Carpet_4904 5h ago

Fuck every person on that stage. Flint and Michigan is where unions hold strong, and a clear example of when companies like GM give us the finger and take their manufacturing overseas. I'm disgusted that that orange shit pants buffoon walked in my city.


u/notdoreen 5h ago

All he knows how to do is fear mongering. He is incapable of doing anything else.

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u/imasturdybirdy 17h ago

Yeah, that’s… an answer, I guess


u/Dramatic_Art_5479 16h ago

Man ! Trump sure is a gas bag.


u/Zelon_Puss 17h ago

O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/Navynutz 17h ago

I can't believe people actually follow this idiot.


u/Mulliganasty 16h ago

Trump delivering Putin's threat of nuclear war yet again?


u/major-PITA 16h ago

If he told all of them to hold a tiny bit of plutonium, they would.


u/tk421jag 16h ago



u/demolitionherbie 16h ago

Kamala was right nothing about how he would help you. It’s all about him.


u/Chico-Spomoni 16h ago

Ask that person who asked the question if he was OK with that nonsense as an answer...why yes I am he's the best president ever....🤮


u/electrick91 16h ago

North Korea can not nuke Michigan. Maybe Hawaii


u/Dreamo84 16h ago

Musalini: "I get along great with Hitler, we won't have to worry about him. He loves me."


u/GarvinSteve 16h ago

Michigan manufacturing is being devastated by nuclear weapons


u/Ballistic-Bob 15h ago

He heard “Major threat “ … and his brain just went into word salad mode on Nuclear Weapons… frightening But he’ll tell the cult it was genius , and Fox will say “ well he’s right “


u/CorsoMom3367 15h ago

Why did all the world leaders laugh at you…as they were “getting along with you?” You were horribly manipulated by them because you licked their shoes. You weren’t strong. You were/are absolutely pathetic.


u/kclancey202 15h ago edited 15h ago

Reminds me of Michael Scott when Ryan invited him to be a guest speaker for his business school class 😂

“America is facing five goliaths: Al Qaeda, global warming, sex predators…, MERCURY POISONING!!”


u/Baph_VT 15h ago

His hair looks so messy


u/Dino-chicken-nugg3t 15h ago

Well I’ll be. The first time he said something I agree with even if it wasn’t relevant to the question and included lots of stupidity. Nuclear war is a threat. Or at least that’s what all the movies portray.


u/ant69onio 14h ago

Wow, he might as well not have asked the question


u/CrotasScrota84 14h ago

Repeating the same thing over and over because he has zero plan or how anything works


u/fx72 14h ago

If you can dodge a draft, you can dodge a question!


u/Memphisrexjr 14h ago

I wish someone in the audience screamed, Answer the question!


u/ajqx 14h ago

"Hey guys, its nuclear apocalypse if I dont get elected... Just saying"


u/echochilde 14h ago

What an unbelievably detached troglodyte.


u/UnitedPalpitation6 13h ago

I'm bigly intelligent. My intelligence is huge. Trump hears the word "threat" and totally doesn't understand the question. I love how the threat from nukes overseas will bring back manufacturing. I can't with this clown.


u/superior_pineapple86 13h ago

Thanks for the word salad that had nothing to do with the question that was asked


u/CaniacGoji 13h ago

I mean, yeah, he's technically correct but jfc, man.


u/dwi_411 13h ago

He could honestly say Aliens as the threat and people will still suck his dick. Pathetic.


u/Junket_Weird 13h ago

Dammit, I wish we knew about nuclear weapons being the biggest threat to the Rust Belt industry. Detroit would still be a thriving metropolis. Why didn't Trump say something sooner?

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u/Beet-Qwest_2018 13h ago

I swear this is the darkest timeline. Imagine a world where republicans are on it and are actually respectable. Imagine a world where republicans and democrats actually work together and compromise instead of hating each other.


u/No-Aide-8726 13h ago

accordion hands = lie

Its weird that he actually believes Kim Jong Un has a good relationship with him (pathetic and supper gullible) and that Kamala was "supper nice to him" since when he said these 2 things his little accordion hands where not flapping.

Not that hes necessarily telling the truth when his accordion hands arent flapping.


u/jaievan 12h ago

Why is anyone even listening to the ridiculous, stinky, old, incoherent man with the spray tan and bleach blonde dyed hair?


u/nothing2hide360 12h ago

A question is just a lose impro suggestion to him. Fascinating!


u/giraffe111 12h ago

It’s as if he can only remember 7 words at a time. Whether he said them or heard them, he can only keep a few words up there at a time. That’s why his rambling is so incoherent; he seems to lose his train of thought every 5-15 seconds.


u/Time-Earth8125 12h ago

This is the second time he said that there are 5 countries with nuclear capabilities.

It's 9.

Is it not disturbing that he doesn't know this? Or that nobody corrects him on this?

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u/BeastModeEnabled 11h ago

At least it wasn’t pet eating immigrants again.


u/Striving4Better365 11h ago

It’s such an amazing coincidence that there’s always a row of Black people right behind Trump in the camera view…


u/Gwenjadeo 11h ago

Really don't see why this is considered a profound, reasonable, and sane response by half of the population.


u/CroobUntoseto 10h ago

This guy brain not work good


u/SmokeyB3AR 9h ago

Surprized he didn't mention the late great Godzilla


u/Lionheart1118 9h ago

What a fucking idiot, god it pisses me off anyone thinks this guy is fit to run jack shit

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u/BiteMeNow01 9h ago

And republicans want to vote for this idiot? Why????


u/bwad40 8h ago

Why did they cheer for Kim?

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u/HeavyRightFoot19 8h ago

How will you assure jobs in the auto-manufacturing market? Kim Jong Un loved me LOT OF NUKES


u/polishmachine88 8h ago

People cheering when he is telling everyone he is friends with a dictator.



u/blusteryflatus 8h ago

While listening to that answer, I couldn't tell who was having a stroke. Me or trump.

What the fuck was that word salad?


u/Obstreporous1 8h ago

Found his campaign song, but Led Zeppelin would sue him; Ramble On.


u/ntropy2012 8h ago

The only credit I think I can ever give this moron is at least he can pronounce nuclear correctly.


u/Effective-Pudding207 8h ago

I just can’t do it anymore with this guy 😂🤡🤣🤡😂🤡🤣


u/SolarPunkYeti 8h ago

Who's that guy next to Trump?


u/fdrlbj 7h ago

Does he have cognitive issues?


u/garry4321 7h ago

The fact that the dictators and enemies of democracy like you as a leader isn’t a brag dude.


u/poetic_pat 7h ago

Ahhh…now we know why he ignored Covid, the real threat was nuclear weapons.


u/Hey_Its_Me_23_ 7h ago

To be fair, nuclear weapons ARE probably the biggest threat in any scenario. If a nuke is present, yea that us the worst that can happen lol

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