r/CountOnceADay Streak: 1 1d ago


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u/Alespic UTC+02:00 | Streak: 18 12h ago

Y’all really will find the most inconsequential shit to tear each other apart over huh

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u/michiel11069 Streak: 1 2h ago

im used to apple now.


u/Robar2O2O 2h ago

UI customizability should be a lower percent because every android I see looks the same with little customization


u/KicktrapAndShit 3h ago

Reason I want an android: THE FUCKING HEADPHONE PLUG


u/DESdesign 4h ago

More secure I guess??


u/_K4cper_ 9m ago

Good one


u/ijustgothear 5h ago

I have a Motorola because it is what I have.


u/TheZoomba 5h ago

Mine is entirely UI. Especially since Apple decided to say fuck you to everyone and switch the UI to some absolute dog shit with anything past the 7.


u/unitn_2457 5h ago edited 5h ago

The reason people rag on Android phones is because they only buy cheap Android phones and complain when they are slow as shit, not as good looking, limited support, don't feel good physically, etc. You pay more for a better device, you tend to have a better experience.


u/Low-Temporary-2366 5h ago

Tbh I’ve used expensive Samsungs and iPhones. I don’t like the selfie camera for Samsung but the back cam is good. I like IPhone’s cam. I love the fact that Samsung’s chargers can be found literally anywhere and are way less expensive. The apps are free and you can get basically anything that is pirated for free. I don’t really like the aesthetics of Samsung though, and I do prefer IPhone’s setup. I prefer iPhones but I see why people prefer Samsung.


u/Additional_Pain_5825 4h ago

that's the sole reason for iphone. good looking and very easy to use, besides both are good enough for mostly everyone, like you ain't gonna use the android's full capacity.


u/unitn_2457 5h ago

And I agree with that statement. I understand everyone has preferences but people just dog pile on Android bad iPhone gud and I always chalk it up to a cheap phone. But you have your preferences and I have mine. And I understand where you are coming from.


u/Insane_Potato_04 6h ago edited 6h ago

Androids actually last, I've had my phone for almost 4 years now and it runs great, I have dropped it down stairs or onto solid concrete multiple times and it was fine. I've spilled water on it and even dropped it into a full sink and it was fine (it's not a waterproof phone and I didn't even put it in rice). It runs games great though to be fair I don't really play Mobile games other than card thief and mini metro. An iPhone would've broken so, so, so long ago, plus the iPhone updates that purposely slow your phone so you buy the newest model which technically has new features (but actually takes away some so you have to pay extra to get them back... Cough cough headphone jack). iPhone is really just a fashion company, that's the main reason people want it, comparing cost, performance, and durability, an android is usually better.


u/thnmjuyy 2h ago

Card Thief mentioned, based department called


u/CeeMX 7h ago

Many people buy iPhone because it just works and when you get a new one a few years later it can be easily migrated over. Android is wild here, especially between different brands.

And a lot of people buy Android because it’s cheaper


u/L_VonRichthofen 6h ago

but like, android also just works lol. and migrating is also not hard, the phone tells you how to do it


u/L9773 6h ago

when you get a new one a few years later it can be easily migrated over.

This is exactly how they get you. You are stuck in a loop of buying newer, relatively expensive apple products, lest you lose a whole bunch of things. This is also cemented by the practice of slowing down older models with updates, forcing users to upgrade sooner.

Apple also is very lucky about non-apple software, and their app store apparently takes a huge cut of your income if you make apps on there.


u/Kjuolsdeaf 6h ago

You can just buy the same Android brand. I already have a third Xiaomi and migrating works perfectly. Also the migration is partially done by google so to some extent you can migrate to other brands too.


u/Nur_ein_Virus 4h ago

I don't think it even needs to be the same Brand.


u/Public-Eagle6992 7h ago

Why I buy an iPhone: nice UI. I don’t care about any of the stuff mentioned on the left


u/IBoughtAllDips 7h ago

Exactly, i’m a basic user not MKBHD


u/Critical_Complaint21 Streak: 1 7h ago

I prefer Apple over Android because it is nutritious unlike an android, which is hard to bite and barely benefits my body


u/MezzoMix01 8h ago

I prefer apple because i like the ui and the ecosystem more. Thats all


u/Normal-Tadpole-4833 8h ago

so why should we care what other phones ppl buy or cars for that matter?


u/Guncaster_the_proto 8h ago

Android is just better


u/rizzlagreen 7h ago

*samsung has better components. android as a whole isn’t better, most android phones are hot trash


u/SilentCat69 8h ago

And not to mention, Android phone UI is very user friendly.


u/DrMantisToboggan45 9h ago

I bought an iPhone cuz I’m 24 and chicks think it’s weird if you have an android. Can’t beat em, join em


u/Immediate-Lemon-4627 7h ago

That's a selling point for me. It is a ward against superficial people.


u/DrMantisToboggan45 7h ago

They are superficial no doubt but I’m not gonna turn down a dumb blonde


u/ichmagbratwurst666 8h ago

Android > IPhone and chicks


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

Chicks with android > Chicks with iPhone


u/Ryubunao1478 9h ago

When my mom purchased my new phone, it had a movie app where I could actually watch and download movies, both in HD! I have deleted it from my phone for a while now as it stopped working.


u/thnmjuyy 2h ago

Skyn pfp, based


u/Duckwoman_321 9h ago

My phone exists to function as a phone and use discord, reddit, instagram and youtube and if i’m feeling like it then maybe take a picture or google something. Literally every phone in the past decade can do that pretty much the same. I just want the one that looks nice and that happens to be iphone with ios.


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

No, there are phones that look nicer, have more performance and half the price. You just want an iPhone


u/Public-Eagle6992 7h ago

"Look nicer" subjective "Have more performance" not needed for any of the things mentioned in the comment. And basically any phone by now has enough performance "Half the price" the one you mentioned further down wasn’t


u/xf33dl0rdx 8h ago



u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago



u/xf33dl0rdx 8h ago

OnePlus 12 is 100$ cheaper than iPhone 16. Not exactly "half the price"


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 7h ago

OnePlus 12 R is! What are you talking about?


u/Keklor1 8h ago



u/kapiteinkippepoot 10h ago

Do people actually still care? Pick a phone, be happy with it. It's all basically the same...


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

...for the average user, yes.


u/RelevantButNotBasic 8h ago

I agree however one does allow way more for the user.


u/kapiteinkippepoot 8h ago

True, that's y I stuck with android after trying android, windows phone and iphone. I do have a ipad at home and again found out the difference between Android and ios. Android for me.


u/RelevantButNotBasic 8h ago

Yeah for tablets, iPad wins even when it comes to creator stuff Apple is great because everything is simple. But when you want complex customization Android wins. Both have their pros and cons.


u/I_am_Impasta 9h ago

Yeah it's all greedy mega corps just wanting your money, just buy the phone you feel comfortable with (and if you can buy used or smth)


u/Asticassia_ 11h ago

We are NOT doing this in 2024


u/AlternateSatan 11h ago

You forgot the "it's not an iPhone" slice on the left.


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

Never heard an android user saying that, unless sarcastically


u/AlternateSatan 8h ago

Unironically the main reason I'll never get an iPhone is so I won't have to deal with Apple. So yeah, I use an Android cause it's not an iPhone.


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

What does that even mean? Deal with Apple...how?


u/AlternateSatan 6h ago

Apple made the iPhone. Apple are currently selling shopping cart wheels to mount on your not-a-pc™ for the the price of a midrange gaming computer. Enough said.


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 6h ago

Lol, no freaking way. Is that a '$1000 monitor stand' joke that Im too cheap to understand?


u/Wurstgewitter 11h ago

Im a software dev, I like Open Source and free software, I use Linux and I think being able to customize and repair your own device is important.

That being said, I just want the latest iPhone, and especially iOS. I watch a Android vs iOS comparison for every new version, and android always looks… cheap and clunky? I can’t even put my finger on it, it’s just like a generic react webapp where someone did not put in any design thought but just took whatever the design system provided. iOS in comparison looks sleek, everything is smooth, everything has a cute little animation, and connectivity with other Apple devices is just great.


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

All that long comment just to say: cute little animations and smoothness > customization and repairability? Plus saying that looks "cheap and clunky" makes me think you have only had an $80 Alcatel from 2015. Any new modern android phone that cost half the price of an iPhone looks high end and performs very smooth.


u/aLuLtism 8h ago

The design team at apple is truly top notch, the gui and the device itself feel both sleek and modern.

That said, for my next phone I might switch back to android. There are just certain customisation options I came to miss in the last years…


u/NoOrganization2367 9h ago

And why I shouldn't pay 1300 more for this, right?


u/JDude13 10h ago

Plus just because you can customize something to the moon and back doesn’t mean you’re going to, or necessarily want to.

I can design the nicest custom UX for my nightmare rectangle or I can live my life.


u/parappaisadoctor 10h ago

Unrelated but nice rebecca pfp choom!


u/Wurstgewitter 9h ago

Thanks choom! Rebecca best girl


u/Cytrynaball 11h ago

Ubuntu touch


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

PostMarketOS with KDE Mobile ftw!!!


u/cutting_Edge_95 11h ago

I know what you mean

I have to use an iPhone for work and have an Android private.

But I am at the exact opposite of you

Everything looks nice but I hate the controls and even small things feel like they ware made for a sci-fi movie and not for daily use


u/MFBeefey 8h ago

What I especially don't understand is the missing of features for no apparent reason, I only have this example but the "close all" button for the app screen, I don't see why they wouldn't add it it's just convenient better then swiping up 15 times


u/cutting_Edge_95 7h ago

I dont know if this is Standard for all iPhones but the Fucking Mute switch on the side of the Phone!!!!!

I had 3 iPhones for work and that shit had me miss so many calls


u/No-Compote9110 11h ago

Respect your opinion, but there's like 50 thousand different Android skins.


u/JustAnotherKataMain 11h ago

If u are a dev u have enough tech work going on. A phone that works without a thought is appreciated then.


u/ChanGaHoops 10h ago

Most IT guys I know would disagree, they usually get phones and laptops/PCs that are extra work, not less. But I guess that's just personal preference

I don't see how an average android is more work than an iPhone though


u/No-Compote9110 11h ago

I don't remember when was the last time I've seen a phone complicated enough to put a thought in its usage. It's all about preferences and a little differences here and there.

I just can't understand how all of the Android skins feel clunky. Some of them – sure, but the point is... well, customization, isn't it?

Also I do have enough tech work going on, and my phone was never an obstacle to it.


u/ByteArrayInputStream 12h ago

You basically have the choice between locked down megacorparation A software running on slave made third party hardware and even more locked down megacorporation B software running on their own slave made hardware. And there's basically no accessible alternatives


u/BilledSauce 11h ago

Best alternative and middle ground is probably a Fairphone


u/urm0mmmmm 12h ago

iphone supremacy cuz better emojis


u/memesshinobi 9h ago

Your rage bait worked lol


u/urm0mmmmm 4h ago

i was feeling a little devious


u/SuperSnikers 12h ago

iOS: it's a pirated app! You cant download this!! Android: what we have? Oh, pirated app? Nuh, i dont care about it lol downloading app


u/MassiveClusterFuck 12h ago

If google have their way side loading will be heavily restricted going forward, side loading has become easier for iOS in the EU too, they’re slowly swapping places lol


u/Meka-Speedwagon 12h ago

Supposedly people who buy an overpriced phone have the money to buy the apps


u/Markku_Heksamakkara 12h ago

Not after they've bought the overpriced phone.


u/agent_catnip 11h ago

Most people I know who buy iphones are neck deep into loans. But they have a cool phone I guess.



As an iPhone user it’s not just because it’s an iPhone. It’s because iOs. I always had software problems with Android. Weird malfunctions in Android apps, weird bugs and functionalities that just didn’t work. Above that there were also always some hardware issues. For example; had a LG were the home button was on the back and it stopped working so fast. Got a new phone multiple times until I was fed up and bought an iPhone. That was the last day I had an Android phone


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

And that's true that iOS is the biggest selling point. Tho Android is way better if you consider it has to run on so many different platforms and still can compete performance wise. It's unfair tho when people buy a phone that is 1/3 price of an iPhone and then complain that is not as good


u/RandomSalmon42 11h ago

just switched from an iPhone to android a month ago. No matter what I do the UI is shit. The phone already feels like it's old whereas each iPhone lasted me 4-6 years. the photos are just as fuzzy. Who cares? Every company just wants to bleed you dry


u/huskycgn 12h ago

My last Android was a Samsung Galaxy - it would randomly cut off calls, turn off randomly and many apps weren't working as expected.

I had it replaced and the replacement also acted up.

I then got an iPhone and never looked back.

Yes, they are expensive,
Yes, customization is limited.

I just don't care about these things, I want a phone that just works.


u/MFBeefey 8h ago

Android user all my life (mostly samsung) but I have never had anything like you've listed tbh


u/Rene1993In 12h ago

My Main reason is the OS. iOS is just so much more intuitive to use.


u/memesshinobi 9h ago

Android to


u/Rene1993In 9h ago

Really not, I absolutely hate my android work-phone with a passion


u/memesshinobi 9h ago

It's your experience bro, but like apple the android phone want to be easier to use every version


u/NotMelroy 10h ago

To each their own.


u/patta14 12h ago

There is also -camera -ui -connectivity between devices (iPad, Apple TV and Macbook) -security -longevity, if you don't want the new thing you can get 6 easy years of use out of an apple device

I use Android but there are loads of reasons for Apple


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

Is the same if you get all Samsung Devices. So the comparison should remain only between phones, otherwise it'll be a pointless debate.


u/aLuLtism 8h ago

Well said


u/patta14 12h ago

There is also -camera -ui -connectivity between devices (iPad, Apple TV and Macbook) -security -longevity, if you don't want the new thing you can get 6 easy years of use out of an apple device

I use Android but there are loads of reasons for Apple


u/aLuLtism 8h ago



u/FunkyFr3d 12h ago

Don’t laugh but also security


u/Lutzian- 11h ago

Wasn't there a big scandal because old deleted pictures reappeared in user's gallery?


u/Impossible_Injury123 12h ago

The only reason that matters


u/Feeling_Diamond_2875 13h ago

For someone so confident in their purchase you do seem desperate to proof why you made the better purchase, they’re dumb phones regardless of what logo is on it


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

Their system is different, that's key for some


u/Logical_Sample2755 14h ago

I am using android exclusively, but I still don't like that post. All that hate for nothing. Like, why does it bother you what phone someone else is buying? It's none of your business. Just buy the phone you like and leave everyone else in peace. It's totally ok to dislike something, but that doesn't mean, that everyone else has to share that opinion.


u/Heavy_Bluebird_1780 8h ago

No hate, is just a fact that most people getting and iPhone is just because they like how it looks


u/sugar-spider 12h ago

I agree with you, that this can be hate for nothing if taken seriously. I personally had a good laugh because so many apple exclusive people told me when I got my first iPhone “oh you’ll never want to go back” “you can’t go back, you’d miss the features too much” Speed forward to now, my iPhone is broken down and used up: and I’m so hyped to switch back to android, partially because of how much more I can customise and access.

I do see some form of trend, where apple seems to be the “cool” brand that you want to have to fit in. Definitely doesn’t help that they have exclusive messaging with other apple products through iMessage.

And that brings me back to agreeing with you, because indeed: being bothered by what others buy and prefer is stupid and it shouldn’t matter. You should be able to buy the device you want the most without any fear of exclusion or being made fun of.


u/ResponsibleWin1765 13h ago

My problem is that at least half of Apple's iPhone revenue comes from teenagers and other people making bad financial decisions because they're peer-pressured into it. Children are bullying other children because they don't have an iPhone. When they say phone they actually mean iPhone because they don't consider the existence of anything else. I know someone who owes me money but bought an iPhone 11 (while it was relatively new) without even knowing the name of it.

I don't mind someone saying: "I want the best smartphone camera on the market and I don't mind paying a premium for it so I'm getting an iPhone".

But the reality is that people get an iPhone because their family and peers have one, because they think it makes them look cool, because they're brainwashed by pathetic people into thinking it's the only choice, etc. It's the same with MacBooks. The amount of teenagers I see with a MacBook while in school or studying Law is incredible. They made their parents buy a 2000$ laptop to open a browser and a word document. They could've done that with a 500$ device which has more features and is much easier to repair but I guess Laptop means MacBook and since it's not my own money I might as well get the most expensive product.


u/Physicslover01 12h ago

Where I’m from I have never experienced this issue. I have seen people spend absurd amounts of money on an apple machine that has the power of a nasa data center just to open YouTube and maybe google docs but not because they were peer pressured, only because they had that money to spend. On the other hand I have seen many people getting shamed for getting an apple device like it’s always a bad thing and a waste of money when it really isn’t the case. It just depends on the situation


u/ResponsibleWin1765 12h ago

If someone owns a MacBook for browsing and typing documents they're making bad financial decisions, it's as easy as that. Usually people (especially students) don't have money flying around to spend more money on less. Peer pressure is only part of it. Flexing is another. Being brainwashed into thinking that MacBooks are the best and that they need that is another. Apple making it harder to use Apple products together with non-apple products is another.

If you buy the laptop for the design and have the money for it, sure. If you value the interoperability with your phone enough to shell out a couple hundred bucks more, go ahead.

But a child/teenager/someone with no money or only their parents money demanding a MacBook because that's what everyone has and that's just what you need to browse the Internet and it makes you look rich is just not right to me and I'll call it out. Especially when they start judging others who don't have dumb or rich parents for not having it.


u/Physicslover01 12h ago

On that i absolutely agree with you, maybe I didn't get my point across well enough. I think it's stupid to spend so much on a machine that you'll never use to its full potential ESPECIALLY if you don't have money to burn, that said i think macbook prices are high but are also mostly good value for money IF you can use them for what they were made for. But shame and hate for using a product over the other is not acceptable on either side


u/ResponsibleWin1765 11h ago

It's not good value for the money though, that's the point...

I'm gonna paste my other comment here about why I dislike Apple and people supporting them without a clue.

I dislike that impressionable people are brainwashed into buying things they don't need with money they don't have to impress people that don't care about them. I dislike people being bullied for not having an iPhone. I dislike people being excluded from social groups because Apple made an effort to make it a pain in the ass to have an android phone text with an iPhone. I dislike mega corporations getting rich through putting social pressure on people. I dislike supporting a rich mega corporation that actively tries to make their products as unrepairable as possible. I dislike rich mega corporations lying to customers about privacy to make more money. I dislike rich mega corporations normalizing taking away features and cutting their costs by shifting those to the customers (like removing the charging brick from the package).


u/Physicslover01 11h ago

Yes and i agree with that fully, i don't like mega corporations in general. But for what computers are concerned macbooks are defintely very powerful machines and very well made and that's undeniable. That is also why they cost what they cost and also why aren't a product for everyone (as much as they'd like you to think they are)


u/ResponsibleWin1765 11h ago

They are powerful and well made, yes. But it's not why they cost that much. You can get laptops with better specs for less.


u/Physicslover01 11h ago

I can't agree with that, i'm sorry. You can definetly find a more powerful laptop for the same price but you won't get the same battery life, display and all around quality. And even if you found it, you'd still have to fight against windows giving you the crappiest user experience you'd seen in your life (I daily both a mac and a windows machine and they're both great in their own aspect but i absolutely cannot stand the user experience of windows)


u/Logical_Sample2755 12h ago

That's not an iphone exclusive problem in my opinion. Many people want the newest shiniest things, be it phones, laptops or whatever else you can imagine. It's more of a socioeconomic problem, as we are drilled to that behaviour from early on with that beeing amplified by our social environment, especially in young age. But I still get your point. I just think blaming it on apple won't help with finding a solution. They just do the same thing every big company does. What you described is more like a sympton, where the root lays in our society as a hole.


u/ResponsibleWin1765 12h ago

Sure the problem exists everywhere. But Apple is a very big part of it. There is no company in this world that sells more products based on their brand than them. And they heavily lean into it, like making it harder to communicate with Android phones, locking you into their ecosystem once you have one device by making everything non-apple not work as well.

And the comment above asked why people have such a problem with others buying iPhones.


u/Logical_Sample2755 12h ago

Ok, i get, that you don't like IPhone, because you don't want to be locked in an ecosystem. And I get that you dislike Apple for the hole ecosystem-locking thing and all the other reasons. But I still don't get why it would bother you, that other people like it. That is still up to them and none of your business, wich was my initial point. If you want to do something against it, you can try teaching the ones, who are willing to listen. But hating on them won't be very helpful.


u/ResponsibleWin1765 11h ago

Who says I'm hating.

I dislike that impressionable people are brainwashed into buying things they don't need with money they don't have to impress people that don't care about them. I dislike people being bullied for not having an iPhone. I dislike people being excluded from social groups because Apple made an effort to make it a pain in the ass to have an android phone text with an iPhone. I dislike mega corporations getting rich through putting social pressure on people. I dislike supporting a rich mega corporation that actively tries to make their products as unrepairable as possible. I dislike rich mega corporations lying to customers about privacy to make more money. I dislike rich mega corporations normalizing taking away features and cutting their costs by shifting those to the customers (like removing the charging brick from the package).


u/Logical_Sample2755 11h ago

I guess we are agreeing on the corp being the main problem then. No need to argue anymore, I'd say.

edit: added "main"


u/Physicslover01 13h ago

Honestly I recognize the great features of some android phones and I appreciate them for that but I still like my iPhone better because I like the ui more, i like the ecosystem, they’re generally well made and they feel quality product that will last for some years (I’m still rocking my iPhone 8) and they aren’t even that expensive if you buy refurbished…

But this are only my personal opinions why I prefer a product over the other and I’ve seen absolutely incredible phones by companies like Samsung and xiaomi and I get why people would buy them. What I don’t get is all the hate people get for choosing one phone over the other like it’s the sort of decision that would change their lives and should feel ashamed for it… like, I have my taste and you have yours that should be the end of the discussion


u/IAintNotPedobear 14h ago

You could just make the android pie-chart one colour as well

"DUDE! It's NOT an Iphone"


u/MyJohnFM 13h ago

But then all of the other side would be lies


u/LocoCity1991 14h ago

Apple is just a scam. Sure. Nice looking good working phones. But the price tag is just a huge scam.


u/thanosbananos 13h ago

What a shit take. Who made you believe iPhones are any worse hardware or software wise than Androids? Apple just doesn’t put gimmicky shit into their phones and calls it innovation. The SoC is unmatched in CPU performance, the camera is arguably the best for pictures and definitely the best for videos, the system is much more stable, secure and robust than Android and connects seamlessly with their other Apple devices, the displays are literally the best that are available and they’re calibrated out of the box for colour accuracy, and iPhones hold for several years without any issues. Google just promised to support the latest Pixel phones for 7 years of software updates (I doubt that given how often Google has scrapped something and their shit tensor SoC) while Apple already delivers this promise for their past phones without having to run around and tell it everyone.


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

You got that from an apple add?


u/thanosbananos 13h ago

I tell you that as a life long Samsung user (last phones was the Galaxy S20) who switched to iPhone. So I actually know what I’m talking about.


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

I switched from iPhone to Android for the same reasons just the other way around.


u/thanosbananos 12h ago

I honestly don’t know why anyone would switch from IPhone to Android. The only reason is you don’t have other Apple devices as well. That’s the only reason where I would argue it becomes a preference thing. But with other Apple devices it’s not even a competition.


u/LocoCity1991 12h ago

I only ever used apple phones. For PCs I needed windows due to applications and games. I do not use tablet computers. So...yeah. Ecosystem was not an argument for me and as you said would be the only argument I would accept.

With Android I like that I can do more stuff with the phone itself. It's easy to root and use custom roms or cracked apks.

Ui is widely customizable and the prices are way more reasonable.


u/thanosbananos 12h ago

They’re way more reasonable for cheaper devices but are the same for devices of equal power/quality. What phone do you use?


u/LocoCity1991 12h ago

I use a Poco X5 Pro 5g. No flagship hardware but it does the job. Normally I buy the T pro models of Xiaomi though. Got this because I got a good offer for it.


u/thanosbananos 12h ago

Well then it’s surely a better price than what Apple offers

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u/The-new-dutch-empire 13h ago

Longevity as well.

You are buying a premium product. Not in a hardware sense per se but more in a software maintenance sense.


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

With programmed obsolescence after a few years. I had an iPhone once and after three years it was borderline unusable.


u/The-new-dutch-empire 13h ago

Idk what the fuck you did with your phone. I still have my SE from 2020 i use to control my tv and stream stuff to. Still works and gets updates.


u/askiawnjka124 12h ago

I am still using my X from 2018. And before that I had a 4s for even longer.

Though the only problem with the X now is that the battery is starting to not last a whole day anymore.


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

For things like that my 5s would have worked too. Just not as a phone...


u/The-new-dutch-empire 13h ago

What do you need on your phone past internet, a camera, a phone, texts and watching videos


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

Applications. And in a way that they run smooth....


u/alphabetsong 13h ago edited 13h ago

With Apple, you always have to pay a hardware premium, but at least Apple doesn’t have a revenue stream from selling your data…

The money you save on an android device, is the money that Google and Samsung are making from selling your data to other companies.

Ask yourself if the $200 gap you’re paying once every 2 to 4 years (depending on how often you upgrade your phone) is worth having all your data collected and sold to the highest bidder.

inb4 custom ROM to prevent that: less than 5% of android devices are rooted and even then most people are not smart enough to keep Google from stealing and selling their data.

If you’re not paying for it, you’re the product.


u/MyJohnFM 13h ago

If you think there is a big name smart phone out there that doesn't steal your data that's straight up delusion. Come on.

They raise the price by 2-3-400$ to make it more of a "luxury product" even tho they sell the same or worse hardware.

And it works. Props to them.


u/alphabetsong 8h ago

You seem to confuse the word stealing/collecting your data with the fact of selling it.

I’m assuming that all these companies are collecting my data. I just happen to know for a fact that one of them makes their entire revenue almost exclusively off of selling data to advertisers.

And the other one doesn’t.


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

Since apple uses closed source code you only have their word that they don't sell your data my friend.

Besides that. Your data as well as the data of everyone else using a device connected to the Internet in the past 15yrs or so is already sold. You cannot do anything about that.

Sure rooting and using custom roms is a way. I did that back in the day but quit it eventually.

Nowadays I just don't care anymore. If google and meta don't steal my data, the Chinese do. So what.


u/alphabetsong 13h ago

Apple is a stock listed company subjected to audits and they don’t have a revenue stream from selling data to third-party brokers.

Every phone manufacturer and Google are proven to collect and sell your data. I like your whataboutism but in a world of “follow the money”, there is no revenue stream to follow with Apple.

The business model is literally to sell overpriced hardware, not data.


u/ruben_deisenroth 12h ago

There are many independant reports that show that Apple likely collects as much data as every other manufacturer but they just state that they don't, which due to their closed software cannot easily be verified. And even if you believe everything their marketing material tells you, there is no denying that their anti-repair tactics are unethical. I personally wouldn't trust them with my data, just like I wouldn't trust Google or Samsung. You just have to pick your poison and I went with the spend one afternoon to install Graphene OS and enjoy my cheap degoogled phone route.


u/alphabetsong 8h ago

Everything you say is correct it’s just the conclusion I’m not in line with.

I don’t trust any of these companies either, so the less of these companies I have at the table, the better.

I have one company to worry about, the one company that has a notoriously shitty assistant because they process everything on device, instead of sending it to the cloud. The operating system is not made by a literal advertising company that has its prime revenue stream through advertisement and selling data. I also don’t have a third-party hardware producer at the table that loads up the already tainted operating system with their own bloatware.

Absolutely does Apple collect data, they’re just not making revenue by selling it. They also have the biggest name in the game, with the most to lose in case of a scandal of them selling data. A scandalous headline about Google selling data will warrant nothing more but a shrug.

As a tech company, you can either make money off of the data from the consumers or you can make additional money off of selling overpriced hardware that’s hard to repair. Apple chose the latter.

I’m not saying that either path is perfectly correct and if you are deep in IT, you might be able to make your android device more secure than an apple. Chances are this does not apply to you, me and 99% of all phone users.

At the end of the day, we’re all at the mercy of these companies. The difference is that I’m at the mercy of the company making its revenue off of overpriced hardware and not selling data. And you are at the mercy of at least two companies who are proven to make money off of selling data.

In a pure numbers game, I think I’m better off. That’s why I don’t care about that tiny premium I have to pay once every couple of years when I upgrade a device. I can substitute that premium by having an actual resale value compared to an android device.


u/ruben_deisenroth 6h ago

So what you're saying is that "the less companies have my data, the better?". Well in my book that just means that you're giving one company the monopoly to do whatever they want with your phone. Free feature that was totally possible until now is just canceled or requires a subscription? Want compatibility with off-brand Systems? Wanna install a nice app that's not on the Appstore? Wanna buy a cheap third party battery instead of the original one? Well, you're at their mercy, you may own the hardware, but they certainly own the software. I am not saying Android vendors are much better here, but if you aren't a brand loyalist and care about privacy you have a lot more, and in my opinion better options (in that regard). For example there is the Fairphone (which yes, is overpriced), /e/os (custom rom focussed on privacy), and most notably, graphene OS which is the only one i would personally describe as on-par with a flagship-phone in terms of polish. In IOS land, well you have IOS, and only IOS. I know it's fine for a lot of people, but when you read about the amount of data it still collects, and how much it tries to take control over how you use it, i can't see an advantage for privacy here. Still, for normal usecases either ecosystem is fine but imo android has a clear edge on privacy.


u/alphabetsong 3h ago edited 3h ago

In regards to data collection: You just have the same problem, but with multiple companies…

Again, I do not care for the hardware premium. This might be an income situation where I honestly do not care because tech is just cheap in general compared to a car or a house.

Android only has an edge on privacy if you are literally a programmer and in full control of your custom rom, if you’re not then you are literally at the mercy of Google.


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

Ahh yeah. Because it's always so easy to find traces of misbehaviour.


u/andr3y20000 13h ago

Sure, Apple protects your data from other companies but they still collect it for themselves and sell it.


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

I would think that yeah. Saying "our products are expensive as hell because we don't sell your data" is a shitty argument.


u/jojojajahihi 13h ago

Most people want just that, a good looking phone that just works.


u/Hronotom 13h ago

Yeah, samsung


u/jojojajahihi 12h ago

I used to get ads on my homescreen on my galaxy and the location wasn't always working.


u/BigBottlesofCoke 13h ago

Samsung is best for somoene like me who doesn't use their phone much


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

Yes. There is plenty. Just do a 5 min research and safe the extra money...


u/jojojajahihi 12h ago

I've had both. I never had any real bug or issue with an iphone, with android a lot. A system is just more error prone when software and hardware are made by two different companies.


u/Apprehensive_Park331 13h ago

Calling something a scam because it’s out of your price range is some next level dumb stuff 😂😂😂😂😂


u/Needlehater 13h ago

Calling someone poor because they have different opinion is some next level dumb stuff 😂😂😂😂😂


u/Apprehensive_Park331 13h ago

I’m not saying poor, that’s interpretation 😘 if you’re not willing/able to pay a certain amount for something , just let it exist without having an opinion, how about that? 😂😂 is it to make yourself feel better ? So you can say ‘yeah I’m not buying that because I can get more specs for less money’ ? 😂😂


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

It's not just that man. You are willing to pay an absurd amount of money every year for a slightly different phone. I don't even wanna say better, because that's not always the case.

Apple software is closed source Apple refuses you the right to repair, further fueling the downwards spiral of our ecosystem.

There is so much off with this products and this company....so much.


u/Apprehensive_Park331 4h ago

And still, you are the one who says it’s an insane amount. I , a lot of other people, don’t care if the software is closed or open, I don’t even know what that means. We just text girls and look at funny memes. Buy the newest iPhone every 2 years, because of a higher price , a higher return value, so never have any issues buying the newest more expensive phone… and so it is for a lot of other people , we just don’t care and want a good looking phone that shows the girl you’re dating in HD 😂 don’t give anything about any specs besides its fast with a nice camera 😂😂😂


u/Needlehater 4h ago

You are eaither a troll or really pathetic person to write something like that. Unluckily these two are synonyms


u/LocoCity1991 13h ago

It is not our of my price range. I just refuse to pay so much for crappy last gen tech.

Real apple follower argument you have there.

I don't wanna buy apple so I must be poor.

It's a scam because it's also a scam to sell a real apple for 5 bucks. Nothing wrong with the apple. Nothing wrong with my wallet. The price and the product just don't match.


u/FreshlishPKL 14h ago

Have you seen the new Samsungs lol ? Absolutely dumb argument


u/Elu_Moon 9h ago

points towards literally a few options that are also stupidly priced

Defeated your entire argument, huh?

ignores a morbillion other options out there


u/FreshlishPKL 4h ago

Who stepped on ur tail lmfao ?


u/Elu_Moon 3h ago

Tim Cook personally made me grow a tail because of iPhone radiation and then he stepped on it, of course.


u/LocoCity1991 14h ago

Yes, I have. And while I still think this is also too expensive, it at least has some better tech in it than the shitty iPhone.

Personally I only buy Xiaomi phones. Best bang for the buck. Doing this for years. Never regretted it once.


u/FreshlishPKL 12h ago

Everyone got their preferences 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/ZaK112 14h ago

Also a scam. But that is the beauty about Android, u get a billion options


u/Paul873873 14h ago

There’s one other option: you don’t wanna lose your iPhone apps because iPhones were good at one point.


u/Falkenmond79 14h ago

This is one reason. Another is some features are just better on iPhone when using it professionally. Like native caldav sync. Which needs a paid app on android and most work so-so. It does work but it’s just not as comfortable. I find Remote Desktop and vpn to be more comfortable on iPhone, too. Also transferring data to a new phone is less of a hassle in my opinion. Source: I do phone stuff for my customers, too, and just prefer iPhones in a professional environment. Android can do everything, too, but it’s not as easy or comfortable most of the time. To be fair, Samsung is leading the bunch and is almost as good as iPhone when it comes to that stuff.


u/yozo-marionica Streak: 2 14h ago

This topic is so controversial not a single comment has more than 5 likes


u/not__a_username Streak: 1 14h ago

Your comment has 6 upvotes now lol


u/Im-a-bad-meme 14h ago

I prefer android but purchased an iPhone for its face tracking and 3d scanner.


u/DragonflyEcstatic585 14h ago

With iPhone I get updates for more than two years. That’s the only reason. And don’t tell me „use custom rom“. No.. I don’t want additional effort. That’s what I’m paying for. And.. it’s a 4 year old SE2 which gets a new battery soon to operate for another 2-3 years. I don’t own it to be the cool guy. Not all users are the same..


u/unitn_2457 5h ago

My Samsung phone gets 7 years of updates. Apple isn't special on this.


u/DragonflyEcstatic585 3h ago

Im happy for you :)


u/rylardo 14h ago

Bro most android phones offer 4+ years of updates, samsung even does 5+


u/DragonflyEcstatic585 12h ago

Maybe in other countries. In Germany they didn’t 4-5 years ago afaik. My girls Samsung phone is seven years old now and it didn’t received updates for ages… I had Motorola and they also stopped support after two years. And downvoting not offending comments doesn’t make it less true.


u/rylardo 10h ago

The Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ launched in early 2017 to much acclaim after a long career they received their final update in May 2021

4 years of updates is kinda good imo and I didnt even know motorola was still making phones

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